Upcarta community
Turing Award winning French computer scientist. Expert in machine learning, computer vision, mobile robotics, and computational neuroscience. Silver Professor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University and Vice-President, Chief AI Scientist at Meta.
Director of AI at Tesla. Previously a research scientist at OpenAI and CS PhD student at Stanford. I like to train deep neural nets on large datasets 🧠🤖💥
Computer scientist and technology entrepreneur focusing on machine learning and artificial intelligence. Co-founder and head of Google Brain, former Chief Scientist at Baidu.
no-code education | Founder (acq by @zapier) | Investor in no-code/low-code tools
Artificial intelligence researcher and writer on decision theory and ethics. Co-founder and research fellow at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI). Known for popularizing ideas related to friendly artificial intelligence.