
What my father should have said, if I could go back in time and coach him, is if he called me up, he said, "Hey Steve, I have a problem." "Yeah, what's up dad?" "Well, the neighbor said something that was very upsetting and I didn't know how to answer him." "Okay, dad, what, what?" "Well, he said that there was an article in the newspaper that said the Moonies had an M16 gun factory. What kind of Messiah has an M16 gun factory? And I didn't know how to answer him. How should I have answered him?"

And that would have made me think. That would have made me problem solve that would have made an alliance with him to help the neighbor.

I still would have gone to my leader. I still would have gotten the lie, but I would have called my father back and said, "I asked my leader, we don't have a M16 gun factory. It's just the air rifle."'

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