Relevant Creators
Cofounder & Director @_TheFamily
Writes about the history of technology & industry at @rootsofprogress. Part-time tech consultant to @OurWorldInData. Former engineering manager & tech founder
Irish billionaire entrepreneur. Co-founder and CEO of Stripe. Winner of the 41st Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition in 2005. Founder of Fast Grants.
Resides in Washington, D.C., and Charlottesville, Virginia, with his wife Pamela.
Marian L. Tupy is the editor of, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, and coauthor of The Simon Project. He specializes in globalization and global well‐being and politics and economics of Europe and Southern Africa.
A Swedish author, commentator, and classical liberal. He was previously a left-anarchist but later embraced classical liberalism. Studied at Stockholm University and was active in libertarian networks.
Better ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—around problems of meaning and meaninglessness; self and society; ethics, purpose, and value.
Tech and growth at @cgousu. All I want is for GDP per capita to be $200k by 2050. I believe in hard tech, megaprojects, fast planes, neomedievalism, and karma.
I write mildly interesting things in the world's best blog. Engineering at @twitter // Meme engineering here
British economist, academic, and writer. Bennett Professor of Public Policy at the University of Cambridge, co-directing the Bennett Institute.
American economist, scholar, and blogger known for his writings on EconLog. Adjunct Scholar for the Cato Institute and affiliated with the Mercatus Center.