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Obsessed with family, archery, racing cars, Ayrton Senna, DFW, RPF, Secretariat, self-exp, CGM, fasting, rapamycin, mTOR, AMPK, autophagy, …
Stories, stats & scatterplots for @FinancialTimes | Mainly Covid for now | Visiting senior fellow @LSEdataScience | | #dataviz
Assoc Prof Evolutionary Anthropology @DukeU Author of Burn, out in March 2021 Metabolism - Energetics - Human Evolution - Hunter Gatherers
Self-taught in various subjects including calculus, probability, statistics, French literature, and history. Became interested in the biology of aging at a young age. Joined the lab of Cynthia Kenyon at age 12 and worked on increasing the lifespan of C. elegans through genetic engineering. Accepted to MIT at age 14 but dropped out to start a venture capital firm after receiving the Thiel Fellowship.
Reporter @WSJ covering personal health + wellness. Enthused by ice cream. She/her.
Deputy environment editor at the Guardian
Author of @Unequal_America currently privacy @Google. Previous @Federalreserve @IDEO and researcher @MIT + @Harvard. Once upon a time bikes and Legos
Author of and Working at @sourcegraph. Programming where the rubber hits the road.
Professor at Salk Institute. Author of the book, THE CIRCADIAN CODE (@crownpublishing). Learn more at