First day of BHM, so let’s talk about how Howard Thurman (the guy who inspired MLK Jr.) enabled one of the most significant psychedelic studies in history and put Timothy Leary on the map (1/12)
Howard Thurman was an insanely well-educated theologian. Graduated valedictorian from Morehouse College, then went to grad school to learn under Rufus Jones (below), a Quaker that was a notable philosopher. In 1929, this was **revolutionary** for a black guy to do this (2/12)
But Thurman was just different. He traveled to India to meet with Gandhi where they talked about the civil rights movement. Once again, revolutionary stuff. He was the only black dude from America to even do this at the time. The experience changed him (3/12)
Eventually Thurman became the dean of Marsh Chapel at Boston University, which is no easy accomplishment in the 1950s. This is where a young MLK first met Thurman, always taking notes in his sermons. It’s also right around the time Timothy Leary wanders into this story... (4/12)
Timothy Leary was a professor at Harvard, not that far from Boston University. Leary and his student Walter N. Pahnke were trying to conduct an experiment where psychedelic-induced mystical experiences were analyzed (5/12)
Harvard wouldn’t allow it. Actually, neither would most universities. Things looked pretty bleak for Leary, until Howard Thurman came into the picture. He understood that psychedelics could ignite significant spiritual experiences. Thurman was like 'say less' (6/12)
So in 1962, what is now known as the ‘Good Friday’ psychedelic experiment took place. Oh, you already know it was wild af… (7/12)
Study participants were placed in the basement of Marsh Chapel while a Good Friday sermon given by Thurman was being broadcast on TV. Participants were given either 35mg of psilocybin (about an 1/8th of shrooms) or a placebo and were instructed to watch the live sermon (8/12)
Timothy Leary was like ‘nah bruh, let’s just all trip.’ So he instructed the researchers to ALSO dose on psilocybin while conducting the study! As expected, the study broke the doubleblind pretty quickly. Things got bonkers (9/12)
People were flailing on the floor as they experienced Thurman's powerful sermon (which was apparently legendary) combined with a full 1/8th of shrooms to the dome. Lots of tears, screams – all inside the basement of the chapel! Just imagine lol (10/12)
25 years after the Good Friday experiment, Rick Doblin tracked nearly all the participants and many described it as one of the most significant moments in their life. Without Howard Thurman, none of it would have been possible (11/12)
"Don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive, and go do it, because what the world needs are people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman (12/12)
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