Israeli-American computer scientist and philosopher. Known for championing the probabilistic approach to artificial intelligence and the development of Bayesian networks. Awarded th...
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Judea Pearl @yudapearl
Apr 21, 2023
As a witness to the hijacking of the Center for Jewish Study at my university (@UCLA), I highly recommend Jarrod Tanny's in-depth discussion of the bankruptcy of Jewish Studies as a field and its complicity with rising antisemitism in academia. @JGreenblattADL @DovWaxman
Apr 20, 2023

Judea Pearl @yudapearl
Apr 19, 2023
Extremely valuable, factual and insightful article on the historical context of the Holocaust, as a culmination of a century long systematic riddance of European Jewry. The early Zionists of 1880 foresaw it clearly. Another exhibit for Holocaust Museums to consider.
Apr 18, 2023