Molly White @molly0xFFF
Nov 27, 2022
stdgy @stdgy
Nov 28, 2022
- Answered to What are you reading and would you recommend it?
- From Twitter
If you have any interest in Biology or Cancer I would highly recommend ‘The Emperor of All Maladies’ or ‘The Gene’ by Siddhartha Mukherjee. They’re not small reads but they manage to convey an infectious fascination with biology. Lovely books!

Molly White @molly0xFFF
Nov 27, 2022
stdgy @stdgy
Nov 28, 2022
- Answered to What are you reading and would you recommend it?
- From Twitter
If you have any interest in Biology or Cancer I would highly recommend ‘The Emperor of All Maladies’ or ‘The Gene’ by Siddhartha Mukherjee. They’re not small reads but they manage to convey an infectious fascination with biology. Lovely books!