The Property and Freedom Society, or PFS (, was established in May, 2006 at the initiative of world-renowned libertarian philosopher and Austrian econ...
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The Property and Freedom Society, or PFS (, was established in May, 2006 at the initiative of world-renowned libertarian philosopher and Austrian economist Hans-Hermann Hoppe. The PFS an international society for the promotion of “Austro-Libertarianism,” the economic and social philosophy most prominently represented during the 20th century by the Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises and his leading American student Murray N. Rothbard, and tying back to the 19th century French economists Frederic Bastiat and Gustave de Molinari. The PFS stands for an uncompromising intellectual radicalism: for justly acquired private property, freedom of contract, freedom of association and unconditional free trade, peace, and against war and militarism.
Annual Meetings are held each year in Bodrum, Turkey. Most speeches are recorded and appear on this channel and on the Property and Freedom Podcast