Improviser and comedian at Curious Comedy
Financial Crimes Investigator at Mercury Technologies
Ancient Chinese Taoist philosopher credited with writing the Tao Te Ching.
Artist, researcher, educator, instigator. He/him. Co-Director, @creativeinquiry. Chaotic Good.
Internet entrepreneur, philanthropist, and programmer. Co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, Inc., co-founder, principal executive officer, and chairperson of Block, Inc. Also a co-founder of Bluesky, PBLLC.
Grow Yourself, Your Business, & Your Community. Stories, Values, & Systems for Thriving Together. #WayTruthLife | Husband | Father(5) | Author | Freelancer | Cinephile
Craftsmen of comedy. Big fans of silliness. Joke tweets only. I just talked to your doctor and he said you need to watch all our content or you’ll DIE.