Gitanjali Rao is the writer and Director of Bombay Rose, an animated feature film that Opened the 34th Venice Critic's Week 2019. The film has been to 25 international festivals and...
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Gitanjali Rao is the writer and Director of Bombay Rose, an animated feature film that Opened the 34th Venice Critic's Week 2019. The film has been to 25 international festivals and won four awards since September 2019. Gitanjali emerged into the international stage with her animated short, ‘Printed Rainbow’ which premiered and won three awards in Cannes Critic’s week 2006. The film made it to the 2008 Oscar shortlist and won 25 awards. She is also an actor and debuted in Shoojit Sircar's film 'October' which won her 5 nominations for best Supporting Actress.