Five books that can explain what's happening to your money
Five book threads that help explain what's happening to your money at the moment.
The Sovereign Individual (1999) is a guide for navigating the current transition from the Industrial to Information Age. Remarkably, it predicted the rise of 'digital gold'.
“If our deductions are correct, you stand at the threshold of the most sweeping revolution in history.”
The Lessons of History by Will & Ariel Durant is a masterclass in the predictability of human nature. It teaches us what changes over time and what remains constant. Use it to guide your thinking.
“In every age, men have been dishonest and governments have been corrupt.”

The Bitcoin Standard is arguably the most comprehensive book for explaining the value proposition and infallibility of Bitcoin in a fiat system.

When a nation's money is no longer a source of security, and when inflation has become the concern of an entire people, it is natural to turn to…other societies who have already undergone this most tragic and upsetting of human experiences.