What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
I mean the kind of book you’d stay up all night to finish and will never forget?
- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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Wanting by Luke Burgis was a good one

- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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Thus Spake Zarathustra

- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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A Philosophy of Cover Songs by @news4wombats

- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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Being and Time

- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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Hiking with Nietzsche by
; Magnificent Rebels by
; At the Existentialist Cafe by
- all three of them full of courageous thoughts, lived experiences, and beautiful writing.

- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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Betraying Spinoza
- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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"Emptiness & Omnipresence" by @brookziporyn 'a unique doctrine advocated by only 1 school of thought in Buddhist history, the Chinese Tiantai school:...even Buddhahood, the highest possible state of enlightenment and liberation, always & inherently includes suffering within it.'
- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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The Ethical Demand by Logstrup. Though I should have read it along time ago.

- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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The last I read which had that effect was Arendt's 'Eichmann in Jerusalem', though it might be argued that it's not philosophy as such, though written by an outstanding thinker. It durably influenced my own writing. One can hardly expect a more exciting result from a book.
- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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'The Women Are Up to Something'
- Answered to What is the most exciting philosophy book you’ve read recently?
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You Are Gods by David Bentley Hart