Timothy B. Lee @binarybits
Apr 1, 2023
What is the best “how creativity works” type book?
What is the best “how creativity works” type book? Like explaining how and why people have great ideas?
Tyler Rockwood @rockwotj
Apr 2, 2023
- Answered to What is the best “how creativity works” type book?
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There is this book: I read it before the recall, and frankly it was amazing IMO. It's a shame the author made up two small quotes and the whole book got thrown out as the rest of the content was great!

Cardiff Garcia @CardiffGarcia
Apr 1, 2023
- Answered to What is the best “how creativity works” type book?
- From Twitter
I'm partial to "Originals", by Adam Grant. Mainly because he's quite good at synthesizing his own research with that of others. And it's a fun read, doesn't bore. I haven't read Steven Johnson's Where Good Ideas Come From but I've really liked a couple of his other books.

Matt Darling @besttrousers
Apr 1, 2023
- Answered to What is the best “how creativity works” type book?
- From Twitter