If you have 20 pounds or more to lose in 2023, read this:
1. Aim to lose 10% of your body weight at a time. This makes weight loss sustainable while preventing your hormones from fighting against you.

2. Once you lose it take 50-100% of the time you dieted to eat at maintenance. This helps you set a new baseline for how much you weigh.
3. Eat real food w/lots of veggies. This helps you eat more while taking in less calories. It also improves your mood & energy while regulating hunger.

4. Eat slow & mindful. Aim for 80% fullness. Chew so much you drink your food. Check in with yourself to see how full you are.
4. Eat 2-3 meals a day on a schedule:

Have your final meal 3 to 5 hours before sleeping.
Have your first meal 1-3 hours upon waking.
Have your middle meal somewhere in between.

5. Eat similar meals every day. This helps keep things simple and takes the guesswork out of dieting.
6. Drink water when you wake up. Drink water before meals. Replace snacking with drinking water. This helps you keep full while maintaining energy.

7. Stop eating foods that cause you to binge. Get them out of the house. Eliminate them from your environment.
8. Eat .8 to 1g of protein per pound of body weight to help you maintain muscle & metabolism while losing weight.

9. Get at least 3 strength training sessions weekly with 5-6 exercises per session. Use progressive overload to build muscle while getting lean.
10. Keep a food journal to see how much you're eating, when you're eating & what you're eating.

11. If you eat your emotions keep a personal journal. Many times this comes from childhood trauma. Find the cause of the behavior to fix it at the root.
12. Take regular walks outside. Aim for 8 to 10k steps. This improves energy & mood while burning calories. Walk in the morning, afternoon & after work to relieve stress.

13. Too busy? Schedule your workouts & walks into your calendar. Mark it in red. That's your "me" time.
14. Track your numbers. Weigh yourself regularly taking the average as your true number. Measure your inches & take photos to get a full picture of where you're starting from.

15. Divorce yourself from results. Stop getting emotional about results & focus on the process.
16. Fix your sleeping habits. Get the right amount of sleep, go to bed at similar times & have a routine. This helps regulate hunger & energy the next day.

17. Stop drinking alcohol. This is empty calories, messes with sleep & makes you hungrier.
18. List out your obstacles. Write out solutions to overcome them before they happen.

19. Visualize yourself at the body you want as well as doing the habits that get you there.

20. Take control of what you think & say to yourself. Your thoughts equal reality.
21. Have a long-term mindset. People overestimate what they can do in 6 weeks & underestimate what they can do in a year.

22. Focus on transforming your identity into someone who incorporates all of these as lifestyle habits.

23. Get better results by investing in a good coach.
Dropping 20 lbs can be life changing. I hope this helps you on your journey to getting in your best shape in 2023.

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