Get started with R programming in 5 easy steps

A guide on getting started with R

1/ Install R

Download and install R on your computer.

This can easily be done by visiting the CRAN website ( and following the instructions for your operating system.
2/ Install R Studio

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R.

You can download and install RStudio from the RStudio website (
4/ Practice

The best way to learn any programming language is to practice, so try to find some datasets and start working with them in R.

Kaggle (

UCI Machine Learning Repository (
5/ Join a community

R has a vibrant and helpful community of users, so don't hesitate to reach out for help or advice.

You can find other R users on forums like Stack Overflow ( or Reddit (

You can also use #rstats on twitter
That's a wrap!

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