Over the past 6 months, I've spent over 500 hours studying how #Bitcoin will change the world.

Here πŸ‘‡ is my TOP 5 of the most exciting developments for 2023.

1. The Lightning Network.

This comes as no surprise to those familiar with Bitcoin. The Lightning Network is already the killer app for #Bitcoin as MoE.

Orange-pill your friends by showing them the wonders of LN and explaining to them how it works simply and clearly! πŸ‘‡

2. Web5

Most bitcoiners don't yet understand the magnitude of #Web5.

Half of the Web's problems can be solved by the advent of Self-Sovereign-Identity.
And the other half by Decentralized Web Nodes.

πŸ‘‡ Enter the πŸ‡ πŸ•³οΈ

3. Value4Value

Selling information used to be impossible, but it turned out that in addition to a technical revolution (Lightning), the right mindset was also needed.

A mindset of abundance and fairness, a new way of looking at value.

4. Fedimint

I lied to you earlier.
The Lightning Network is not yet ready for 8 billion people.

But what if I told you that Fedimint not only improves the LN scalability but also helps the Global South with self-custody?

See for yourself πŸ‘‡

5. Sovereign Computing

#Bitcoin reminded us of the importance of personal responsibility, even in areas beyond finance.

This paved the way for Sovereign Computing, the path to freeing ourselves from intermediaries and regaining our autonomy to compute.

What do you think of this TOP 5? Did I forget something?
Tell me in the comments πŸ‘‡
Don't go away, because we are not done yet: now we have honorable mentions!

These πŸ‘‡ are 3 projects that showed promise but ultimately failed to make it into the rankings.
a. Keet & Holepunch πŸ•³πŸ₯ŠοΈ

Keet is a peer-to-peer, serverless Chat App, built with the Holepunch Platform.
The Holepunch platform aspires to be the go-to place for developers to build decentralized applications.

Will they succeed? Go check this thread πŸ‘‡

b. 🍐 Pear Credit is a p2p open protocol that allows anyone to issue πŸ’³ Credit tokens in a way that is scalable and private.

@BitcoinErrorLog described it as β€œLightning for Data”.
Intrigued? See here πŸ‘‡

@BitcoinErrorLog c. Nostr claims to be β€œthe simplest open protocol that is able to create a censorship-resistant global "social" network once and for all.”

Is that true? Let’s find out πŸ‘‡

@BitcoinErrorLog That's a wrap!

I myself apply Value4Value to what I write.
If this thread 🧡 was valuable to you, you can give value back! πŸ’

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