How to rewire your brain (to think like a champion):
Set clear goals:

Every quarter, create SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals that you can work towards.

These can roll up to your yearly goals for yourself and your business.

This provides a simple roadmap to stay focused and motivated.
Practice visualization:

Visualization is a wonderful tool that can help you flip your mind to think more positively and confidently.

Try visualizing yourself achieving your goals and succeeding in different situations.

Paint a picture in your mind of a positive future.
Take breaks:

Taking regular breaks can help recharge and refocus your mind.

This is proven to improve your overall performance and productivity.

I don't know a single great thinker who is on 24/7/365.

Remember - bursts, not burnout.
Stay organized:

Organizing your thoughts, tasks, and surroundings can help you stay focused and on track.

Use tools like Notion, calendars, and smart planners to help you stay organized.

Remember to tie organized actions back to your SMART goals from above.
Practice mindfulness:

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and engaged in the current moment.

This drastically helps reduce stress, improve focus, & increase self-awareness.

Shut your phone off to be with your family.

Put it on do-not-disturb 24/7/365 if you can.
Learn from your mistakes:

When you make a mistake, don't panic.

It's important to be cognizant of mistakes and try to see them as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than as a failure.

Write your mistake down, analyze it, and look for ways to do better next time.
Surround yourself with positive influences:

The people you spend time with have a massive impact on your thoughts and behaviors.

Surround yourself with optimistic winners.

People who are supportive and positive, and who will encourage you to reach your full potential.
Take care of your physical and mental health:

Taking care of your physical & mental health is essential for re-wiring the way you think.

Eat a healthy diet, exercise, and prioritize sleep, relaxation, and stress management.

Just doing this alone changes your brain.
That's it.

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