Healthcare is a captured industry. Can you "trust the science?"

No. The science is fake and I'm going to prove why in this thread. Don't fall for the scam.

We will break down 4 major landmark studies in medicine and healthcare and see who funded them.🧵

This study revolutionized the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes.

It showed early and aggressive therapy with sulfonylurea drugs, metformin, or insulin significantly improved small vessel disease.
Why can't you trust this study?

It was funded primarily by Novo-Nordisk, Pfizer, and Bristol-Myers Squibb.

Novo-Nordisk makes insulin.
Pfizer makes glipizide (sulfonylurea)
Bristol-Myers Squibb makes metformin.

These companies made billions selling these drugs.
If you've ever wondered why drugs are pushed instead of lifestyle changes, this is why.

The studies aren't credible, but they are used to justify the choice to prescribe meds instead of weight loss, exercise, and dietary changes.
2) Food Pyramid

This project by the USDA was intended to give Americans a framework for healthy eating.

It lasted over 10 years before being replaced with a similar diagram in 2005, then another similar one in 2011. They all advocate high carb consumption.
What's the problem?

The Food Pyramid was heavily funded by the Agricultural Industry.

This agency has a dual mandate - promote health and also promote profits for American farmers.

Clearly, the farmers won this battle.
3) Systolic BP Intervention Trial (SPRINT)

This landmark study showed strict blood pressure control had improved outcomes. The data was so convincing, the trial ended early.

Since then the guidelines have changed and recommended lower blood pressure.
What's the problem?

This was funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). A government agency can be trusted, right?


The head of the NHLBI is Dr. Gary Gibbons. He was a Harvard graduate with close ties to the AHA and Pew Foundation.
He was also a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Awardee.

Robert Wood was the founder of Johnson and Johnson.

Johnson and Johnson earn billions on blood pressure medications through their pharmaceutical branch Janssen.
The man sitting at the head of this government agency setting management guidelines has deep ties to the pharmaceutical company set to make billions in profit from his decisions.

Smells fishy.
4) High Intensity Statins

This landmark study found:

"intensive lipid-lowering statin regimen provides greater protection against death or major cardiovascular events than does a standard regimen"

This study drove millions of statin prescriptions.
What's wrong here?

The study was funded by Bristol-Myers Squibb and Sankyo. The author received speaking fees from Bristol-Myers and Novartis.

Sankyo and Novartis make antihypertensives. Bristol-Myers makes blood thinners.

All 3 companies profit from tighter recommendations.
It's well-known that the funding source can bias the outcomes of clinical trials - even when the funding source is the government.

Here are some examples:
As the old saying goes, "follow the money"

If a pharmaceutical company is funding a study, they are looking for a result. With enough time and data manipulation, they'll find it.

Approach these studies cautiously and don't fall for the scam.
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