The Core Components of ML Architecture

ML solutions are used to solve a wide variety of problems, but in nearly all cases the core components are the same.

Here is a visual representation of these core components πŸ‘‡

A Thread πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡
1. Data Generation:

Every machine learning application lives off data. Usually, it's generated by one of your core business functions.
2. Data Collection

Data is only useful if it's accessible, so it needs to be stored in a consistent structure.
3. Feature Engineering Pipeline:

Algorithms can't make sense of raw data. We have to select, transform, combine and otherwise prepare our data.
4. Training:

We apply algorithms, and they learn patterns from the data. Then they use these patterns to perform particular tasks.
5. Evaluation:

We need to carefully test how well our algorithm performs on data it hasn't seen before. This ensures we don't use prediction models that work well on β€˜seen’ data, but not in real-world settings.
6. Task Orchestration:

Feature engineering, training, and prediction all need to be scheduled on our compute infrastructure. So we need to reliably orchestrate our tasks.
7. Prediction:

This is the heart of ML architecture. We use the model we’ve trained to perform new tasks and solve new problems.
8. Infrastructure:

The solution has to live and be served somewhere. This will require setup and maintenance.
9. Authentication:

Authentication is required to keep our models secure and makes sure only those who have permission can use them.
10. Interaction:

API, UI or a CLI interface to interact with ML Model
11. Monitoring:

We need to regularly check our model’s performance. This usually involves periodically generating a report or showing performance history in a dashboard.
These are 11 core components of ML architecture.

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