If a Republican candidate is an election denier, @Liz_Cheney says, as a conservative, she’ll campaign for the Democrat, despite other core policy differences with them.

I agree with her. Constitution first. Policy second. It’s pretty simple: if an R denies our elections, vote D.
It’s a very clear and effective voting strategy. It puts Republicans on notice: denying our elections is a line you cannot cross if you want to win competitive races around the country.

The principled conservatives will bolt and vote against you.
You could also write someone in or just not vote—but if you want your vote to have its maximum influence in keeping an election denier from office, voting for the most competitive election defender is a perfectly defensible and principled decision.
If a conservative embraces the principle of maximizing their vote against GOP election deniers, they vote Dem against:
—Doug Mastriano
—Kari Lake
—Tudor Dixon
—Blake Masters
—JD Vance
—Ken Paxton
—Ron Johnson
—Herschel Walker...

It’s a long list. But these Rs chose to be on it.
See All