- Curated in Secular Stories by Jesse Nigro
A conversation with Jessie, the author, to discuss his Secular Stories essay series.

What’s wrong with society?
Part 7A. Driving The Machine.
We have a machine. Who is going to drive it? Perhaps we all are???
In my discussion with Jesse Nigro, he shares the following insight.
"MacIntyre is saying, when you pretend there's no such thing as a Telos (transcendent purpose/vision) what happens is you get the sort of Nietzschean reaction, which is to say that, someone with a will to power is going to come along and apply their will to this situation and we'll all just be doing what they think we ought to do, regardless of what the sort of surfacy, cover story is."
If this is all a veil, and we’re “playing house”, someone can come along and step outside the rules to manipulate the system for personal gain.

- Replied to Jason Scott Montoya
For those that want to dive deeper into the deeper driving dynamics of these issues, I'd recommend starting with this conversation I have with Jesse Nigro and also by reading his series of articles on the topic (Secular Stories).