What's Wrong With Society?
Part 3B. Ideology.
In David Koyzis book, political visions and illusions, he surveys the most dominant ideologies in our country. He claims that they become forms of idolatry, where the thing they espouse becomes the most important thing (essentially they become a god we worship).
- Liberalism (superiority of individual sovereignty)
- Democratism (superiority of collective participation)
- Nationalism (superiority of the nation)
- Socialism (superiority of communal ownership)
- Conservatism (superiority of the past)
Koyzis argument is not that these ideologies don’t have a place but rather they need to be integrated into their proper place inside a higher order. Otherwise they distort and corrupt.
Dive deeper into this topic by watching my discussion on the subhect with David Koyzis on the Share Life podcast.

- Curated in Ideologies