DAOs should theoretically be a vehicle for amplifying collective intelligence. But the tools and infrastructure just are not there yet.

You can't amplify collective intelligence on top of Discord and forums.
To me, amplified collective intelligence occurs when the intelligence output of the group vastly exceeds the intelligence output that any one individual could have produced themselves.
For example, in 1999, world chess champion Gary Kasparov played a game of chess against a team of amateurs. The catch was that the team of amateurs was a self-organizing group from the internet that would have 24 hours to discuss and vote on their next move.
The amateur team lost, but they gave Kasparov an incredible match, far beyond what any of the individuals on the team could have produced on their own.

I am not sure DAOs are currently producing intelligence that is far beyond what any one individual could produce.
In reality, most decisions are made by a single person or a small group of people, and then voted on by a slightly bigger group of people.

This is a slightly pessimistic view of DAOs, but there is no denying we can do better.
This is partly a governance tooling issue, and it feels like a lot of good people are currently focused on improving this space (@OrcaProtocol and @joincolony come to mind), but this is also an information architecture issue.
Our current tools do not respect the limitations that humans have a finite amount of attention.

Maybe we have different channels, but most DAO participants are facing information overload from Discords and forums.
We are making the assumption that every person is the same, and should be presented with the same information.

Every person should have the right to see all information, but actually being presented with it all is incredibly impractical and inefficient.
"Governance 2.0" should fix some of this as we see more specialization and delegation in DAOs, but how do we develop our information architecture to progress along with our governance systems?

Governance 2.0 will not work with our current set of informational tools.
We will have a Discord channel for each DAO sub-committee, but what happens when the marketing committee has a dependency with the engineering committee but they do not have the right visibility into one another and there is no hierarchy to catch the mistake?
Or what happens when the engineering team hits a roadblock and puts out a bounty for help, and there is a token holder who previously implemented a similar feature at another DAO, but they turned notifications off on the Discord because it was too noisy?
The goal is to allocate attention from the right person to the right task and the right information within a DAO.

Collective intelligence is amplified when each participant's attention is allocated where they have the maximum comparative advantage.

To architect a system like this, we will need to develop a few things:

- better tools for thought that connect and preserve knowledge
- reputation systems that help us understand where people's attention should be allocated
end rant.... just need tools for thought people to come save us DAO people @Conaw @Dylan_Steck @tangjeff0
and of course, the obligatory plug that we are building the reputation piece @rabbithole_gg
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