I wouldn't consider myself a professional copywriter.

But I've generated $1M+ in revenue from ads I've written.

Here's 3 reasons why:
· I never forget whom I'm writing for
· I don't reinvent the wheel
· I always draw inspiration

Let's break it down further.
1/ I never forget whom I'm writing for

One message for one person.

Using words like you instead of we.

Viscerally aware of their heaven and hell.

Positioning my message between the two.
2/ I don't reinvent the wheel

Let the professionals figure out new innovative hooks.

Leverage proven copy frameworks.

→ How to [x] without [y]
→ Tired of [x]? introducing [y]
→ If you're looking for [x] you've got to check out [y]

Handful of timeless examples you can use.
3/ I always draw inspiration

Picasso once said "good artists copy, and great artists steal"

Steal as much inspiration possible in a swipe file.

Landing pages, ads, offers - everything goes.

Capture it and make it your own.
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