UnknownTalks: “power imbalance between artists and collectors”

A thread about how to realize you get abused 🧵👇
DISCLAIMER: this is my personal opinion and feeling. I’m a normal person with a lot of mistakes and what you will read is no truth and you always should think critical.
Let’s start with what should be the mindset to enter the NFT space as an artist and collector imho.

1. Collector: the ideal collector should enter the space to find passion for beautiful art, to help artists to succeed, to empower them by giving them the freedom (1/20)
to create everything they want by accepting them how they are. They should create a space in which artists can grow freely with guidance but not rules, with opinions but not laws, by offering them support without expecting to get something in return. (2/20)
They should always have the back and best interest of the artists in their mind to create an environment of creative growth and build a sustainable world in which artists can try to live their dream and freedom how they want to. (3/20)
2. Artists: artists should enter this world because they want to be free of the cage of society, to learn new things every day, to grow as a person and artist through the possibility to earn an income through their art and connect with other like minded friends. (4/20)
You should realize that you are a very important part of our society manifesting history in the most beautiful ways anyone can think of. Here you have the chance to be free from rules and norms of bosses and agencies, of having to work how another person wants you to. (5/20)
Nobody can take away that freedom in the NFT space, only if you let them. This space should be a refuge from the real world. Of course not everyone can be a full time artist. But here you can be you, you can be free. You just need patience, a focus that is not just selling (6/20)
and your creativity. Here you have no boundaries and if you believe in your art and vision some day somebody will fall in love with it. You have to be here with the will to be a free and sovereign artist not limited in any way. (7/20)
Okay so what is happening outside of that ideal? Collectors mandating artists what to create, who to support and how to even say things inside the space. They are building closed up communities where another opinion is handled like treason and you get excluded and (8/20)
they won’t buy from you anymore. They control your art and mind with money, make you dependent from them buying. They try to decide if you have worth or not. They make you scared and shut up about all of the things you don’t like about the situation. (9/20)
They try to create their own circle or community that is filled of ass lickers that don’t have values and say yes to everything just to get some sales. This is the extrem. It’s happening and the only one that can end this are YOU the artists. You decide to be a prisoner (10/20)
or not. The only one that can stop this nonsense is you by speaking up, not following their stupid rules and by not being scared to be excluded from a community of bullies and yes-sayers. It starts to only retweet people that could bring you advantage and sales (11/20)
and it ends with them making you feel worthless and miserable because they got so powerful over you and your art. STOP. Leave this structures now. No sale in the world is worth to give up your self worth and freedom to say and create what you want. (12/20)
Signs that you get abused (by others or yourself):
- you stop to do things you feel are right because you hope to get sales
- you enter communities that only support members inside of the group
- you shut up about problems & injustices because you could lose a collector (13/20)
- you enter communities of collectors that are not free to enter for everyone but just with special requirements and where you can’t say your opinion freely without getting kicked out
- you have to buy from someone so they and their friends buy from you
- a collector dictates you what to create and what not
- they speak to you aggressive and abusive
- you retweet someone because they promise you something in return.
- you feel constantly unwell and nervous inside the NFT space
- you ridicule yourself to be part of a certain community
- you get disrespected and shut up about it because of fear to get excluded
- you get mobbed by a group of others for doing your thing or saying your opinion (16/20)
These and more points can be a sign that you are in a very unhealthy environment at the moment and I hope someone can realize this with this post and gets the fuck out of those circles.
We entered this space with ideals and dreams of freedom and leaving web2 behind us. (17/20)
In the end you the artists have to realize your power and are the only ones that can pave that way for web3 ethically. You have to speak up and be sure about what’s important: not fast sales but freedom of thought and creativity. To be independent from structures of power (18/20)
I can make tweets like this everyday and nothing will change if you don’t change your way of thinking and what’s important to make this place a safe place for creatives where we have fun in creating and seeing beautiful art every day. I’m here for you without boundaries. (19/20)
I will support you with everything I have and will fight for your independence. Here are no rules. Don’t get caught up in thinking people with money have any clue what they are talking about. Choose wisely which advices you follow and which communities you enter. Love ❤️ (20/20)
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