Todo lists are simple.

Your life is not.

5 simple steps to Elevate your Ecosystem:
But wait, I love my todo list.

-> Aren't they the same thing?
-> Isn't this just semantics?

Maybe, but minor differences -> profound impacts.

-> A list is linear, discrete, and limited by design.
-> An ecosystem is expansive and evolving.

And you need both.
1/ Goal vs Task

Usually, people make a list to get things done.

-> Plan out your day
-> Run a staff meeting
-> Get the kids off to school

If the Task gets done, that's a success.

An ecosystem aims at higher Goals.

They anchor to the unifying 'Why' surrounding many tasks.
Task: Plan out your day
Goal: Take on your day as efficiently as possible

Task: Run a staff meeting
Goal: Setup the team to maximize the week

Task: Get the kids off to school
Goal: Ensure they're prepared for optimal learning

Are you completing a task or pursuing a goal?
2/ Include Other People

How do you get things done?

Most people call their own number.

But if you have an ecosystem?

You're supplementing yourself w/ others to achieve your goal.

How much more can you accomplish w/ people whose strengths are your weaknesses?
From a young age, I had:

-> A scarcity mindset around money.
-> An identity rooted in self-sufficiency.

This combo made asking for help a struggle.

But I knew I needed to rely on others if I wanted to achieve more.

Adding them to my ecosystem once removed my daily debate.
To sustainably add people, look to:

-> Engage experts
-> Set clear expectations
-> Agree on their compensation
-> Embrace a predictable cadence
-> Evaluate their work and share feedback

This investment effectively "handles" a piece of your list in perpetuity.
3/ Scoreboard

For lists, the scoreboard is usually binary: done or not done.

For ecosystems, the scoreboard is higher fidelity:

-> Quality
-> Quantity
-> Happiness
-> Efficiency/Cost

For me, it helps to imagine everything as a factory.
Example: Your child's learning factory.

Quality: Proficiency
Quantity: Hours/day of learning
Happiness: Your kid's morale
Efficiency/Cost: Taxes + Tuition

Your system needs to optimize for your child's goal.

College entrance & 18-year-old founder are wildly different.
4/ Feedback Loop

We have a name for stalled processes: bureaucracy.

Part of what makes an ecosystem thrive is evolution.

Problems get resolved thru constant adjustments.

If you can A/B test your website, what else can you test & iterate?

It's lifestyle natural selection.
Here's a simple waterfall:

Delete: Do we even need to do this?
Automate: Can technology do it better?
Delegate: Can someone else handle it?
Delay: Will I be able to do this better later?

With that's left:

Diagnose before you Do to give yourself the highest odds of success.
5/ Incentives

"Show me the incentive and I'll show you the outcome" - Charlie Munger

Don't overlook the rewards & punishments in your ecosystem.

Know yourself and the people in your ecosystem.

Then nudge w/ guardrails & bounties.
Building a habit that requires discipline?
-> Set a punishment that hurts more than doing.
-> Think donating to a charity you loath.

Need your people to stretch for more?
-> Offer a bonus that generously shares the spoils.
-> Perhaps a group trip if everyone hits their goal?

An Elevated Ecosystem:

1/ Focuses on Goals vs. Tasks
2/ Includes Other People
3/ Has a Clear Scoreboard
4/ Continually Improves
5/ Incorporates Incentives

These simple additions will supercharge your output and efficiency at work, home, or school.
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Misha @MishadaVinci ยท Jun 5, 2022
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This is great!