It took me 2 years to go from beginner to $100k/yr writer.

If I could go back in time and tell myself these 10 things, it would’ve taken 6 months:
1. Start creating content as soon as possible. You don’t need to be a success story already. Just document your journey and make friends.

2. Either get paid a lot all at once or less but over and over again. Don’t sell products and services that are cheap and only pay you once.
3. “Too big” offers are difficult to execute effectively. “Too small” offers don’t make your client’s/customer’s lives easier. Find the sweet spot.

4. Don’t sell cheap products or services - ever. Cater to audiences that want to invest in themselves.
5. If you need to get your foot in the door before selling high-ticket: freelance for testimonials, release a free eBook to get emails, etc.

6. The fewer things you sell and the smaller your audience, the more successful you’ll be. Go all in on one offer and one audience.
7. The easiest way to get paid a lot is to create a lot of profit. Commit to a profit-driving service, not one on the "edge" of businesses.

8. Send at least one personalized cold email, DM, or connection request every day. You never know when one will change your life.
9. Every day you manage your time poorly keeps you farther from your dreams. You’ll regret all of those. Avoid as many of them as possible.

10. No matter how bad you feel right now, you’re gonna make it, and it’s gonna feel so good. Keep going.
That's all of them.

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