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"Even the most zealous secularist now defends human equality, social justice, and special concern for the marginalized and suffering-ideas that would have seemed foolish, if not incomprehensible, to our pagan ancestors...
Liberalism is a secular expression of the Christian teaching that the individual is sacred and deserving of protection. Socialism is a secular expression of Christian concern for the poor and downtrodden. Globalism is a secular expression of the Christian hope that history is leading to a kingdom of universal peace and justice...
In the present, it spreads through secular creeds that preach equality and freedom...
Christianity denied what antiquity had serenely assumed: that the strong are destined to rule the weak, that we have no obligations to strangers, and that our identities are constituted by our social status." - Matthew Rose

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I appreciate the way Rose surveyed the ideas throughout the different ideologies. I was actually surprised by how compelling many of their arguments were when diving in (a scary but helpful insight).
I'd been reading Alasdair Macintyre and others in that vein and this it has given me a better channel forward for some of what's a shared take on these problems.
The last section on the radical right's perspective on Christianity was also quite novel to me (I'm quite familiar with the left's criticisms of Christianity).