1/ If you’ve been paying attention the past few weeks, there’s a lot of evidence of a bipartisan vibe shift on crypto. Contrary to the media narrative that pushes a polarized split on the issues, here’s what I’ve seen…
2/ Last night @Politico (+@grayscale) hosted “Regulating the Digital Gold Rush” w/ @SenLummis + @SenGillibrand.

Lots of folks know Lummis’ bonafides on crypto. Adding Gillibrand to the mix, with the goal of creating a pro-innovation reg framework is a big deal.
3/ The NY House delegation is involved too. If you haven’t read @RepRitchie op-ed making the liberal case for crypto, pls do.

This isn’t some pie-in-the-sky vision for a progressive paradise, these are real solutions to problems being developed rn:

4/ There’s healthy legislative bipartisanship in the House too. Last week @RepTomEmmer led a group of 4 Rs + 4 Ds in sending a letter to the SEC imploring the agency to not stifle innovation by imposing onerous reporting reqs on crypto companies:
5/ After Biden’s crypto EO, we’re keeping an even closer eye on the federal agencies and regulatory bodies. That’s why I was happy to see this reserved but bullish by govt standards remark from @SecYellen this morning:

6/ And I know that many in the crypto community are frustrated with the media’s POV, but the coverage is (on average) improving—and increasing. You can have issues w/ how they approached it but it’s meaningful NYT dedicated an entire section to crypto:
end/ These good examples do not mean that crypto enjoys diamond-plated support across the political spectrum. It does mean that those who want to learn/engage/support are finding the lanes to do so.

Progressive, libertarian, moderate, conservative, liberal. Everyone’s welcome.
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