It's remarkable how Putin spent 20 years quite successfully poisoning European politics by carefully bolstering anti-EU forces.

In a few days, not only has that work been undone, but he's ushered a 'new EU normal' that looks West and relies more than ever on NATO. 🧵
For one, he's made it very hard to be a pro-Kremlin pol. Marine Le Pen (whose pres campaign is funded by a Russian loan) condemned the invasion of Ukraine.

Ditto Eric Zemmour (who once said he wished France had its own Putin). Ex-PM François Fillon quit his Russian board roles.
Ex-German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, who has not quit Gazprom, faces huge pressure to do so. Matteo Salvini is scrubbing his pro-Putin pages. Only Nigel Farage rather pitifully sticks to his guns.

The list goes on (see here) but that is just the start
because amid the attack on Ukraine, Europe is seeking to reduce its reliance on Russian gas.

An EU plan due next week will push states to bolster gas reserves while a longer term alternative to RU is sought. Nord Stream II is suspended. What's next: nuclear power in Germany?
It's hard to overstate the importance of this shift, particularly in Germany. Yet there is more.

The debate around NATO defense spending has been reset; EU defense is back on the table. Politicians fiercely opposed to more def spending days ago now say it's time to reconsider.
More military coop looks plausible amid the lifting of German restrictions on arms. Putin's attack on Ukraine is making the case for an EU army, aligned with NATO.

On the financial front, remarkable unity of purpose is also on display. Even Hungary and Cyprus back a SWIFT ban
and if Berlin is holding out that could change.

What dividends could this 'new normal' bring for EU financial solidarity? Unclear.

What is clear is that Putin has provided the EU with a big catalyst for change, a major miscalculation 👇 @zoyashef
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