I'm reading The Fourth Industrial Revolution, by World Economic Forum Chairman, Klaus Schwab, and it starts off really encouragingly. He and his want to shepherd us through "nothing less than a transformation of humankind," in the first sentence of the book.
For those aching for the punchline of The Fourth Industrial Revolution, it lies here: a technological fusion of the "physical, digital, and biological worlds," which is creepy transhumanism under their direction. Schwab repeats this theme over and over in his two subsequent books
This is the pretext for the existence of the World Economic Forum: the changes coming are inevitable and so fast and so dangerous that we need stewardship of them in the WEF technocrats, who are the only ones who can understand them adequately. This is the power grab.
Actually, that was the pretext for the power grab ("it's so complex and dangerous!"). This is the power grab ("we need global coordination, under our expert control, of these changes").
Their solution is a fusion of the kissing cousins of Communism and fascism, of course, for our "collective future," we need "a comprehensive and globally shared view" that rejects "linear (non-disruptive) thinking." Enter "stakeholders."
Read this however you want, but this is Schwab's stated objective: to take the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is already naturally underway, and shape it according to his vision. That vision is elsewhere seen to be fascistic, Communist, transhumanist, and under WEF control.
Here's how Schwab characterizes the Fourth Industrial Revolution: enhanced cognitive powers, ubiquitous internet and surveillance technology equipped with AI. That's what he wants to control under a global hivemind.
I'll just put these two things next to one another (first two images), noting that TIME Magazine has been the Great Reset Magazine for a while now (third image).
Again, this book is designed to warn about the disruptive potential of the technological changes brought about by the internet and to justify the WEF and its stakeholders as the shepherds through this time, toward their global vision (see Canada today for a preview of utopia).
Both owned by Facebook now 🤨.

There's an error here, though, which we might call the Frontier Fallacy or the Gold-Rush Fallacy. Those businesses were novel when they started. Lots of capital is needed, usually, to break into these markets now.
Though here Schwab only talks about creatives versus laborers in a resonant way, creating an equitable system (administered by technocratic "stakeholders," i.e., WEF leaders and partners) is being set up. This is where the Communism comes in.
Here's an overview of what Schwab believes is driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution: massive technological changes in the physical, digital, and biological realms, which will have their borders continuously blurred into one another.
"collaboration" and "relations" are odd words here, Klaus.
The "circular economy" (which probably violates the second law of thermodynamics) is the "sustainable" pipe dream they want to force upon us. There's no economic growth, just economic movement in a sustainable circle. Calling it "regenerative by design" doesn't inspire confidence
Ngl, sounds like tyranny.
Let's make this more stark. Own nothing. No privacy. Eight years from now. This tweet and this book were written in the same year by the same outfit.
He would set the ethical issues with writing and editing DNA aside, wouldn't he? We could be as gods, having eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and, now that it seems to be in view, the tree of life.
Modify organisms, including humans, so they can be raised on a more economical diet (soy, bugs, garbage, poop, circular), and the technology is moving so fast that the main impediments to this additive eugenics are legal, regulatory, and ethical, i.e. merely socially constructed.
Do you want Klaus Schwab or his freakshow "experts" in charge of any of this?
Universities are too conservative in their approach, says Schwab. The state should be partnering with industry for more ambitious projects. Like mRNA vaccine experiments, maybe.
The guy spends a third of the chapter talking about gene editing and then says this about getting big industry and governments together to take bolder research action than universities are capable of right before an ambitious mRNA experiment of exactly this type. Wrote this too.
Again, the point of this book is to excite and scare the hell out of everyone and give the WEF control over how the Fourth Industrial Revolution unfolds for "the global society." Couple of doozies here too! Data not available!
Klaus Schwab, designer being.
Here's the table of "tipping points," for anyone interested.
More collaborative forms of interaction (fasciocommunism led by the World Economic Forum and its partners) or catastrophe. The false choice behind their power grab and attempt at global tyranny.
LOL. Hilarious. This foundational assumption of our would-be overlords' program is based on a Keynesian worry proved wrong.

What if human beings run out of ways to make productive use of their time? What will the plebs do without us to keep them busy? Not innovate, obviously.
Gold Rush Fallacy again. His data was drawn from a boom period and compared against a more mature market period. This is one of the scaremongering points Schwab raises to create a "creative class" (led by stakeholders, i.e., commissars) who manages the vast "useless class."
Creative class vs useless class.
Creative class Übermensch through transhumanism.
This, about news media being produced by algorithm, is now unintentionally hilarious.
A few pages after complaining about an aging population, he points out more women might be displaced from the workforce.

I propose a fascinating solution to these problems. Make babies. Be mothers. Leave the workforce and don't grieve it so much because babies. Whoa.
More creative class versus useless class tracks-laying. Klaus will run the trains on time.
More pretext for global governance run by the WEF and its partners.
You could be so mobile while you work in the cloud, OR, as the coof taught us, you can be confined to your home/pod and never be allowed to leave and still be a productive worker.
New social contract gonna drop. Unless people disagree ("a regulatory backlash"), which would have terrible consequences. Better give the keys to Papa Klaus.
Odd citation to drop here!!
Gold Rush Fallacy again.

Solution: scare business leaders into wanting a network of management through these obviously terrifying challenges, and isn't it convenient that the World Economic Forum exists to be exactly that?
Reminds me of Marxist "educator" Paulo Freire saying, "For the revolution to be authentic, it must be perpetual."
Is he literally advocating for the culture industry the neo-Marxists claimed to criticize (so they could control it, ofc, Iron Law of Woke Projection)?
The shift from ownership to shared access.
Data is the new gold, and you and your children are the mines.
Skynet firms!
I find this excerpt instructive about Schwab and the WEF as theory goes into practice. This sounds forward-looking, but over the last two years, and especially now, we see that it merely propagandizes for a totalitarian nightmare if under the control of the WEF and its partners.
Techno-Maoism, anyone?
Strange that he doesn't mention what Wiki-Leaks actually did: exposed state malfeasance and corruption of exactly the kind he engages in.
The dichotomy of freedom, as Klaus Schwab sees it. We can see which side of the dichotomy he falls by looking at the actions of his cronies in Canada right now.
Klaus Schwab envisions a need for a new "Agile Government" model (presumably he'd have a lot of technocratic control over it) because it's not possible to study and make informed decisions any longer by any other means.
Idk, looks like technofascist tyranny to me...
One thing is clear: Be a part of the NWO under the WEF Global government model or be left out of the future. Racketeering.
Read this and pause to reflect upon who is classified as "violent extremists" in the world run by WEF agents: moms, dads, truckers, conservatives, and anyone who opposes their power.
He makes it explicit who the problem is, those *reacting to* the things they're forcing globally and those who are disenchanted with established elites and structures.
You don't say, Klaus...
Again, the point of this book is to convince people they should manage the coming changes as the heads of global government. "The brain is the next battlespace" is particularly ominous.
Gonna have to rethink a market economy (instead of breaking up the trusts and oligopolies poisoning it), says Klaus Schwab.
You don't say, Klaus... What are your cronies in Canada doing right now, again?
And here you have it. The agenda. The great divide between those who go along with questioning what it means to be human, transformed into technology-assisted Übermensch, and those who resist, who will be as insects by comparison. No privacy. No ownership.
Oh, the humanity.
The dude is weird.
Jeffrey Epstein has entered the chat
This is a confession.
Is this Communism? Sure looks like Rousseau or Marxian theology.
Highlighted words that are Hegelian, Marxist, or Woke red flags.
More Marxist watchwords.
Definitely Hegelian. Definitely Marxist. Definitely a cult.
Gotta remake the systems of the world in the World Economic Forum way. Complete system change. Don't worry. They've got this.
Hallo, Marxism.
That's actually the end of the book, but there's almost as much material left in the appendix, titled "Deep Shift," that covers the "tipping points" from before in detail (and in prohibitively small font).
I mean, this shit gets crazy.
Really crazy...
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