allisonhenle @allisonhenle
Jun 29, 2023
- Answered to What are your favorite, decently-written, science fiction epics?
- From Twitter
My favorite science fiction epics include Ancillary Justice (and sequels), Blue Remembered Earth (and sequels), the Vorkosigan saga, the Hyperion Cantos (but only the 1st two novels), and A Memory Called Empire (and sequel)

Steve Davies @SteveDavies365
Feb 28, 2023
- Answered to What are some must-read science fiction novels?
- From Twitter

Daniel and 10 others @techwraith
Dec 17, 2022
- Answered to What are your favorite books (fiction or non) about AI?
- From Twitter
Arguably, Ancillary Justice is about AI as well.

Chris M. Arnone @ChrisMArnone
Dec 7, 2022
Do you see that list of awards? Ann Leckie burst onto the scene with Ancillary Justice, sweeping up awards like a Dyson. Justice of Toren was once a colossal starship, now a single ancillary — an AI in a human body — is all that remains. She’s determined to find out how the rest of her was destroyed and might unravel a galactic empire in the process.