writer and editor • science and culture • she/her
Voracious reader and chocolate taster. Sporadic knitter. Also terribly fond of dogs. She/her.
Author, GSD wrangler, nocturnal tatterdemalion, ornamental hermit, feasts upon teas & toasts. She/her. New story in NEW MAPS OF DREAM from PS Publishing.
Indexer, Professor Emeritus, reader, musician, poet, painter, editor, historian, #Neurodiversesquad, #Jwitter #18thcentury #ADHDinAcademia #neurodiversesquid
web stuff @CARE, UNC alum, slow tv connoisseur, always trying to learn more about the environment & the south. she/hers.
She/her. "For my flesh had turned to fur." Black Lives Matter. Land Back.
@CSS_Zurich at @ETH | nonres @carnegiecyber | alum of @Politics_Oxford & @StanfordCISAC | cyber defense & resilience, tech & war, norms & org politics
Proud Gamer-American and history-knower seizing the memes of production. Co-host of @DMofNone He/him
28; Norwich. I love: reading, the colour green, cricket, gaming, heart-warming TV, concerts, Ariana Grande, other stuff. I tweet about said things.
A park ranger.