Today I learnt that folks actually believe the DCF the dumpooor meme and its starting to prevent projects from letting me invest

So I just want to outline a bunch of shit to prove it's not true and just a meme from those close to me

I try to be as transparent as possible:
For clarity's sake, I have _NEVER_ sold a single token from a seed round

At some point I will sell something, but only after these projects have had time to actually succeed
For @redactedcartel I bought pTokens

I then proceeded to actively work helping @0xSami_ and co however possible

I've joined community events as a speaker, helped think through roadmap, bonded aggressively, and even gave them @VoteMak for a ridiculously cheap price
I have never even claimed a pToken (don't even know how) nor have I attempted to OTC sell any
For @neworderDAO I have only claimed and single side staked tokens, never sold a single one even while watching other investors dump on me

I was one of the biggest pushers for the new cliffs and extended vests - literally bullying other investors into doing it
For @solendprotocol I don't even know how to get my tokens, nor do I care

@0xrooter is a giga chad and im aligned w his success forever
For @ParagonsDAO I haven't sold. Better yet I had some folks invest with me and I've actively refused to send them tokens

I'm at the point where I could lose friendships protecting the community

Even gave 100% of my share from Ass Eater DAO to community and have 0 free tokens
I spent 20+ hours fighting with other investors and founders to add cliffs and vests but I lost that battle and that's what made me realize I don't want the title of being on the team of any project where I don't have enough control and I stepped down
I've said previously I will trade freely here due to the above, and despite that I did not sell anything

Just watched myself get dumped on
You can assume I'm as aligned for long term success with everything I'm invested in like @vestafinance @burrataxyz @koopxyz etc.

There's far more but I those teams just haven't announced yet ❤
I will always be the person that tries to do whats right and I will be as transparent as possible when I invest in things - I want to support these teams long term, I basically pay them to work for them, not become their enemy after a week...
For deeper thoughts on the matter see this thread I wrote:

OFC I sell things that I bought publicly however I want - if I wasn't in a seed round and just bought on the AMM like everyone else, or was early / got whitelisted in discord, etc. etc.

There's no unfair advantage here, that's just being a degen like the rest of y'all
The only thing I ever sold was some temple from fire ritual but I put that in the bucket above and things from this tweet came true

Since then I worked closely w the team to fix those problems, have market bought 10x more and am likely the single biggest buyer on the AMM

I've done biz dev for them, helped them understand and push rfv metrics, and spent hours on calls / chats

Others sold and never came back
This space is riddled with bad actors but I am not one of them, don't get it twisted

I love the dump comes fast god memes and it's annoying af that I even have to write this thread

if anyone accidentally believes them as more than just fun between friends... smdh
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