The crypto economy is already beginning to shape and change the future of work.

Let's dive into 5 earning models that will take shape.

1. The Creator

We're already seeing how NFT's are changing the way we view art and music.

The distribution of virtual and physical properties by creators is fundamentally changing.

For example, the rapper Nas just sold the royalty rights to two of his songs as NFT's.
Platforms like SuperRare give enormous creative freedom to artists.

The most exciting part is we're only starting to scratch the surface of what is possible.

This is the time for artists both big and small to shine.

Top platform:
2. The Player

The gaming industry has seen a mainstream explosion in popularity over the last 10 years.

There will be 29.6 million monthly esports viewers in the US this year, per Insider Intelligence estimates.
One of the top play-to-earn games is Axie Infinity, a Pokemon-style online metaverse. It has paved the way for players to monetize their gaming.

Here are 4 more notable play to earn games:

1. Gods Unchained
2. Splinterlands
3. Sandbox Games
4. Alien Worlds
3. The Participator

DAOs or decentralized autonomous organizations are one of the top ways for participants to earn money in the crypto economy.

Jobs such as community managers, governance, operation, and developers are just a few examples of the future of work.
These participants can earn tokens that give them equity in the DAO and help shape its future.

This is a good 8-minute explanation of what a DAO is.
4. The Learner

Who doesn't want to earn money while learning?

Blockchain education is turning the traditional learn-to-earn model on its head.

Think about this like earning your LinkedIn certificate, except on-chain.
Rabbithole, aptly named, is your guide through web3. You can learn how to use and contribute to DAPPS or decentralized apps, earning tokens based on your on-chain activity.
5. The Judger

This is the newest category in the space. Think of this like Wikipedia where people contribute, judge and curate, to earn a reputation through their work.

You have an economic incentive to participate.
This space is still very new, and there is a lot of noise.

The key elements have the potential to improve a number of existing systems.

2021 was the year that web3 became a buzzword.

I am very excited to see how the space develops in 2022.
You've made it to the end. ๐Ÿ‘

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I'm Danny Naz. I write, I travel, I tweet and I eat. And I'm hungry for more.

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