Prince Panchal @panchalprince_
Jan 4, 2023
- Answered to What's your favorite book?
- From Twitter
I have 2 as of now....

Gururaj Vinekar @gururajvinekar
Nov 19, 2022
- Answered to What are some of the best new books to read?
- From Twitter
Steve Jobs read the book for the first time as a teenager and re-read the book every year until his death. In fact, Jobs gave a copy to each guest who attended his funeral as a parting gift.

John Campise @ReptileRaised
Nov 13, 2022
- Answered to What is the most boring sounding book that changed & improved your life immeasurably?
- From Twitter
On this front: Autobiography of a Yogi, by Yogananda. India had hundreds of saints performing Christ-like miracles, even during the late 19th, early 20th century when the author lived.