a thread on: privilege, complicity, institutionalized oppression in web3 🧵
while it's cozy to romanticize an idealized, utopian society rooted in web3 where gender, race, and sexuality dont matter, your gut reaction to reading is an expression of your privilege.
the unearned sense of entitlement to make absolute statements like the above is an exercise of internalized privilege. it's a reinforcement & perpetuation of a system that denies the existence of oppression – past, present, and future.
gender doesn't matter – unless you've been marginalized, discriminated against, or oppressed because of your gender.
race doesn't matter – unless you've been marginalized, discriminated against, or oppressed because of your race.
sexuality doesn't matter – unless you've been marginalized, discriminated against, or oppressed because of your sexuality.
if you've not been marginalized, discriminated against, or oppressed because of your gender, race, or sexuality, it's likely because you identify with a demographic that is responsible for the disenfranchisement of people within those communities.
being complicit in the disenfranchisement of oppressed people is saying that the nature of their oppression "doesn't matter". this is denial.
web3 can dismantle traditional systems of power and injustice but we are not starting from scratch. race, gender, and sexuality matter because we are more than just passive bodies. these identities are essential to our human experience IRL and in the metaverse.
if identities like race, gender, and sexuality didn't matter in the metaverse, we wouldn't need a decentralized infrastructure. ie web3. the metaverse functionally is just a 3d environment. the democratization of power is optional.
power depends on an institutional scaffold to sustain it: people and institutions in power want to stay in power. where there is power, there is resistance. where there is an exchange of power, there is more resistance.
if web3 is to be self-governing, we have to self govern.

that means acknowledging our differences and the unjust treatment of people as a result of their race, gender, and sexuality by existing power systems and those who benefit from them.
race, gender, and sexuality do matter because it provides a framework for the type of future we have to build. only once we acknowledge how the previous system has failed people, can we build something to empower and liberate us all.
at its core, the metaverse will be a reflection of who we are, with all of our aspirations and demons and biases.

when people show you who they are, with all of their aspirations and demons and biases, believe them.
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