Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World
- Book
- 1978
- #Philosophy
An astonishing work of cultural criticism, this book is widely recognized as a brilliant and devastating challenge to conventional views of literature, anthropology, religion, and p...
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Number of Pages: 480
ISBN: 0804722153
ISBN-13: 9780804722155
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Eric Weinstein @ericrweinstein
Jan 4, 2019
- Curated in The Books That Changed Eric Weinstein's Life
Eric Weinstein @ericrweinstein
Jan 4, 2019
Folks frequently ask “What are the books that changed your life?” If I tell them, they are usually radically disappointed. I find that curious. I just cleared out of an office, and these are 4 shelves of spines of books that mattered enough to me to bring home. So here they are:
Stackmore🔑⚡️🔦 @1971Bubble
May 13, 2023
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