Morgan Housel @MorganHousel
Feb 18, 2021
- Curated in A Few Good Books
America is a nation of immigrants, and an incredible part of that story is how many of those immigrants came to one city – New York – during a short period of time: 1880 to 1920. This is the best book that describes why they came, what it was like when they got here, how they built the America we know today, and how they were viewed by naturally born citizens.

Morgan Housel @MorganHousel
Feb 18, 2021
America is a nation of immigrants, and an incredible part of that story is how many of those immigrants came to one city – New York – during a short period of time: 1880 to 1920. This is the best book that describes why they came, what it was like when they got here, how they built the America we know today, and how they were viewed by naturally born citizens.