Michael Aaron Nielsen (born January 4, 1974) is a quantum physicist, science writer, and computer programming researcher living in San Francisco.
📖 I tweet about books & becoming a better reader. 🎙 Host of "The Reader's Journey" podcast. 📧 Get a free book summary every week (link in bio)
I tweet mostly about great books and ideas. Retoolin' at @retool. Also: @tommyinhebrew
generating ideas, developing concepts, executing designs… curator @thecommunitydao
Avid reader, writer and book reviewer at &
Transitioning from a 9-5 to a Creator using 🤖 AI. Follow my journey as I take on this challenge. 💪 co-founder of and AI evangelist.
Entrepreneur, Writer, Surfer. Not necessarily in that order.
Educator, Husband, Dad, Coach, Philosopher. Motivated by helping others who are seeking continuous improvement.
SAHM, Watcher of reality TV, Planner of fundraisers. (There you go. That’s my future tombstone inscription right there.)
Author. My book "Lady Doctors" on India's first women doctors available in bookstores and on Amazon.
Finance enthusiast & Lifelong learner.