Dev @uk_ka_ladka
Aug 16, 2022
- Answered to What is 1 YouTube video you think every person on Earth should watch?
- From Twitter

Jason Riedel @jasonriedel
Aug 16, 2022
- Answered to What is 1 YouTube video you think every person on Earth should watch?
- From Twitter

Nikos Melachrinos @nikosmela
Aug 15, 2022
- Answered to What is 1 YouTube video you think every person on Earth should watch?
- From Twitter

Genco Ilgın @Elcora
Jun 26, 2022
- Curated in Bitcoin
Essentials of economics are plainly addressed by Ray Dalio. Such complete content it is for a 30 minutes video. You might see how governments manipulate the economy which enforces us to ask "Does the free market exist?". When one questions how the economy works. S/he immediately has this urge to contemplate a remedy that is highly likely Bitcoin.