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"Following Jesus and trusting his victory over death, and his vindication onto resurrection life and claiming that future and identity is absolutely crucial to gaining victory over the dragon in my life.
One way to think about the sermon on the mount is beginning to wean yourself off of the ways of the dragon. It's very difficult, but actually living that way becomes a live option if your fear of death is no longer the biggest motivator in your life."

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"In this trial, Jesus sees himself on trial before the human and the heavenly powers of the dragon. They bring false witnesses. They have to use deception to get him... Ever since Cain, killing enemies has been the strategy of the snake. The dark forces' strategy to kill Jesus is the action of these forces handing over the keys to the cosmos to Jesus."

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"We need to surrender our current understanding of what life is. Death is the gateway to life. You give the chaos dragon all he can take from you, which is your life. But in reality, God has a greater claim on your life because he called you into being. Let it take your life because you don't need it anyway. The things we think are life are holding us back, but are not really life... The snake cannot have power in the new creation because death is no longer a motivator."