What’s wrong with society? Part 1.
Let's survey society's problems starting with the root layer. I'll circle back around on the other layers. Share your insights in the comments.
Layer 1. Sin. What is it? How does it work?
For this, I bring up this wonderful video from the Bible Project, which explores the idea of "missing the mark" and "moral failure".
These are the key insights from the video that stuck out to me personally.
“Every human is an image of God, a sacred being who represents the creator and deserving of respect.
Sin is a failure to love God and others and not treating them with the honor they deserve.
Sin against people is a sin against God.
And sin is more than doing bad things, it describes how we easily deceive ourselves and spin illusions to redefine our bad decisions as good ones.”
I'd encourage you to watch the entire ~6-minute video.

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“Every human is an image of God, a sacred being who represents the creator and deserving of respect. Sin is a failure to love God and others and not treating them with the honor they deserve. Sin against people is a sin against God. And sin is more than doing bad things, it describes how we easily deceive ourselves and spin illusions to redefine our bad decisions as good ones.”

- Curated in Deceit & Self Deception