Church Dogmatics, Vol. 4.1, Sections 57-59: The Doctrine of Reconciliation, Study Edition 21
- Book
- Dec 31, 1986
- #PhilosophyofReligion
Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics is one of the major theological works of the 20th century. The Swiss-German theologian Karl Barth (1886-1968) was the most original and significant Ref...
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Jason Scott Montoya @JasonSMontoya
Jul 21, 2023
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2. The Judge Judged in Our Place | Karl Barth | Page 267 | Part I
"God is in this triumph of humanity and the world as ruled by Satan, whether He is forced to retreat or to abdicate or to die in face of it."
God rules and does His work, the work which Jesus has to finish and is determined to finish, He is the living Lord even of the world which is in conflict with Him. As such He can never be idle, He can never grow weary, He can never resign.
And we have to seek the problem of Gethsemane (1) in the content of what He says, (2) in the fact that He is quite alone in what He says, without companion or helper, and (3) in the fact that the answer of God will be given only in the language of facts."
Jason Scott Montoya @JasonSMontoya
Jul 21, 2023
- Replied to Jason Scott Montoya
2. The Judge Judged in Our Place | Karl Barth | Page 267 | Part II
"Jesus wished to pray this prayer a little ahead of His disciples but in their presence and with their participation. To do this He withdraws only a little (Mk. 1435), only "about a stone's cast from them (Lk. 2241). That His soul is sorrowful even unto death is something which He does not tell to God but to them (Mk. 1434), and He asks that they should watch with Him (Mt. 2698), and later expressly that they should pray with Him (Mk. 1438); that is, that they should see what He sees, world-Occurrence as it is, and God ruling over and in and through it, and that they should do what He does, call upon this God."
Jason Scott Montoya @JasonSMontoya
Jul 21, 2023
- Replied to Jason Scott Montoya
2. The Judge Judged in Our Place | Karl Barth | Page 267 | Part III
"He had made His cause theirs. He had promised that where two or three of them were gathered in His name He Himself would be there in the midst (Mt. 1820).
...the event which was about to break in all its malice there might come the suggestion of an easier way for Himself and His disciples than that which He had entered.
He knows that man is lost unless he is in some sense aware of it. He knows that for Himself and His disciples calling on God is the only way to meet and defeat it. For the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Mk. 1438). The flight of the disciples at the crucial moment (Mk. 1450) and the denial of Peter (Mk. 14661.) will show how weak the flesh is, how quickly they will find and take the easier way, how necessary it was for them to obey His call to watch and pray. For His sake and for their own they ought not to have left Him alone when He went forward to pray."
Jason Scott Montoya @JasonSMontoya
Aug 6, 2023
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"...God has not abandoned the world and man in the unlimited need of his situation, but that He willed to bear this need as His own, that He took it upon Himself, and that He cries with man in this need.
...did not evade the cause of man's fall and destruction, but exposed Himself to and withstood the temptation which man suffers and in which he becomes a sinner and the enemy of God." - Karl Barth