One of the most important attributes that a writer can possess is objectivity of action.
Most writers (or any artists) go through phases of varied feeling about their work, but objectivity of action is what keeps you moving forward.
"I hate everything I write."
"I think it might be OK."
"I think this is actually my best work!"
It's not uncommon to hear a writer say these things on 3 consecutive days. In fact, it's normal (and healthy).
But it's the objectivity of action that matters, not feeling.
Building a writing habit? Objectively good for you.
Considering your editor's views as having merit, even if you end up disagreeing? OGFY
Ensuring you have a stable income stream? OGFY
Supporting other authors, especially debuts? OGFY
I won't go into the Objectively Bad For You stuff. But you know it every time you see someone's Tweet and think "What were you thinking?" or if resentment overwhelms productivity, or any raw emotion is overpowering thought processes.
Ultimately to try to make a living as a writer you'll face ups and downs. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. If you can identify when your feelings are overwhelming your objectivity you can head off certain traps.
"Bitterness writing" is one of the major ones.
And one of those things about having that objectivity is knowing that you will make mistakes. You *will* get overwhelmed, or despair, or heartbroken, or overconfident. The pendulum swings, and we cling to it.
But keeping to your objective actions is what evens out the ride.
Good luck with your writing today. I hope it goes well for you. There's room for books of all kinds out there, but never trust to writing a single book to somehow bring happiness to your life. Everything is a transition.
Journey before destination, and all.
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