From 0 to 10k: The ULTIMATE Social Media Growth Hack Guide.
๐Ÿ”ธ Don't read this if you can't be consistent or have problems w/ focus.

Step 1 is to change the way your brain operates. I just wrote a recent article on Focus.

Come back after you read it.

The world is moving digital:

โžผ 60% of the global population is on social media.

โžผ Teens are spending 7-8 hours glued to their phone.

โžผ 1/2 of that is reserved strictly for social media.

Needless to say, it's a content creator gold rush. Here's how to build your presence.
1/ Start:

Starting a platform exclusively for creating content is the hardest part (for a lot of people).

It's linked to "social media stage fright"... you think everyone is watching you.

But your stage fright is also linked to main character syndrome. It's not that deep.
๐Ÿ”ธ Isolate the people who judge you.

Will they be the reason you never pursue your dreams?

If so, you will probably end up resenting them forever.

The healthy thing is to stop letting 1 or 2 people dictate your future and just start.
2/ Niche:

If you come in knowing who you are and what you want.. your account will grow very fast.

Know everything about your niche. Study your craft. Analyze your audience.

This is how @moritz_web3 gained 14k followers in 45 days.

๐Ÿ”ธ Your niche can be anything.

Create a list of people within your niche for inspiration.

"Milk" your niche for as long as possible.

In some cases, you can milk it forever.

Just be willing to try new things if it becomes stale. There's nothing wrong with a good pivot.
3/ Consistency:

Do this (every day):
1. Provide valuable content.
2. Reply to five tweets.
3. Stay in your lane.

(1): I have an article on value on my blog (link in bio).

(2): Engage with your followers. Reply to viral posts.

(3): Head down. Stay focused.
๐Ÿ”ธ Don't overthink replies.

Memes, clever remarks or insightful replies work.

Some people get way too caught up in being a "reply guy" and forget about the value.

Likes mean nothing. You'll only get conversions (follows) if your content is interesting.

4/ Be Different:

If you consistently do the above and you're not growing it's because you're boring.

AKA a carbon copy of everyone else.

If Twitter, Instagram etc. is Times Square... why should a bypasser stop and look at your ad?

Find your edge.
๐Ÿ”ธ Your edge can be simple.

An "edge" I have is the black/white aesthetic.

It's simple enough to execute consistently and eye-catching/bizzare enough for people to notice.

You'll find yours eventually.

Try new things and keep an open mind.
5/ Profile

Profiles are the new resume.

๐Ÿ”ธ Description: Get to the point. Include important links.

๐Ÿ”ธ PFP: Can be your "brand" but it's mostly just self-expression.

๐Ÿ”ธ Aesthetic: Check out @notbunjil's profile. It's eye-catching, intriguing and simple. TL;DR - Be original.
6/ Timing:

Now let's get into the hacks...

The time you posts matters. A lot.

The reason a lot of people's content falls flat is because their timing sucks.

Twitter decides whether or not your content is relevant within the first few minutes.

You want eyes on your content.
7/ Analytics:

I use @blackmagic_so to monitor my analytics, track impressions, highest engagement times, top interactions and more.

The purpose of this is to monitor what's working and what's not.

When you know what's working, you can replicate it again and again.
๐Ÿ”ธ Why do influencers go viral?

Because they are good at replicating success.

It's no accident; in fact, it's usually VERY calculated.

You can use Twitter Analytics to do this, but it's nowhere near as in-depth as Black Magic.
8/ Twitter Blue

For a while I had a sneaking suspicion that the algorithm was favoring verified accounts...

Elon confirmed my suspicion about a week ago.

This one isn't complicated. The algo favors Twitter Blue. Do what you will with that info.

9/ Do's & Don'ts

๐Ÿ”ธ The Algo Favors:
- Media (Videos, pictures, etc)
- Long-form content
- Controversy (sadly)

๐Ÿ”ธ The algorithm HATES:
- Links
- Spam/Bots

Think of it like this: The algo loves anything that keeps users on Twitter and despises anything that drives users away.
Twitter has always hated links... especially recently.

I can confirm that Twitter buries content containing them. For content creators, this sucks.

The work around is to simply post your link about an hour after your post.

It's annoying, but it does the trick.
10/ Reputation

You can do all of the above, get to 10k+ followers, have an incredibly high engagement rate, etc...

And then watch it all crumble it by engaging in drama, grifting or selling out (nonstop promos).

This is where people F up. Don't become a stat.
That's all I have for now.

If you liked this thread, feel free to like + RT. I write articles often.

Stay tuned for the article (link to blog in bio). Thanks for reading.
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