You need strong core muscles to maintain good balance, prevent back injuries, and live a long, healthy life.

7 exercises to build core strength and stability from home:
Your abs are comprised of 4 muscle groups:

• Rectus abdominis
• External abdominal obliques
• Internal abdominal obliques
• Transverse abdominis

To see meaningful results, you have to train all of these muscle groups.
1. Planks

Planks put constant tension on your core, so it doesn’t take long to feel the burn.

Perform sets of 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off, focusing on maintaining perfect form.

You can do side planks to build your lats, which is key to getting the V shape many people want.
2. Mason Twists

Mason twists target nearly every muscle group in your core and improves your balance.

Keep your legs and feet off the ground, and don’t rush through your reps.

Make slow, controlled movements to avoid injury and maximize muscle engagement.
3. V-Ups

V-Ups take standard sit-ups to a new level.

Don’t believe me? Try them.

With your legs and arms pointing up in the air, use your core to bring your fingers up to your toes.

Do these until failure (it’s okay if it doesn’t take long).
4. Mountain Climbers

These utilize both muscle contraction and stabilization.

Get on the ground like you’re about to do a push-up, then alternate bringing each knee to your chest.

Set a timer for 30 seconds and do as many of these as you can. Rest for 10 seconds, then repeat.
5. Hollow Holds

These are like the “anti-plank,” because they utilize static, constant tension to train your core.

The number 1 priority is keeping your feet off the ground.

If you’re struggling at first, you can place your hands on the ground next to you for better balance.
6. Bicycle Crunches

Lying on your back, raise your legs and bend your knees.

Bring your right knee to your chest and rotate your trunk as you move your left elbow to touch your knee.

Inhale as you return to your starting position, then repeat with the opposite side.
7. Scissor kicks

These work nearly every muscle group in your core, and they also provide a great workout for your hip flexors.

Move your left leg over your right, then do the opposite. Repeat this process until failure.

Always try to keep your lower back pressed to the floor.
These 7 simple exercises can be turned into a 10-minute workout for your entire core.

Don’t let a lack of equipment keep you from building a life of mobility and independence.

For more insights on how you can optimize your health and performance, follow me @johnnyxbrown! 🤝
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