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Inside the Criminal Mind: Revised and Updated Edition Hardcover – March 30, 2004
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Dr. Samenow's three decades of working with criminals have reaffirmed his argument that factors such as poverty, divorce, and media violence do not cause criminality. Rather, as Samenow documents here, all criminals share a particular mind-set--often evident in childhood--that is disturbingly different from that of a responsible citizen.
While new types of crime have grown more prevalent, or at least more visible to the public eye--from spousal abuse to school shootings--little has changed in terms of our approach to dealing with crime. Rehabilitation programs based on the assumption that society is more to blame for crime than the criminal, an assumption for which a causal link has yet to be established, have proved to be grossly inadequate. Crime continues to invade every aspect of our lives, criminal court dockets and prisons are oppressively overcrowded and expensive, and recidivism rates continue to escalate.
To embark on a truly corrective program, we must begin with the clear understanding that the criminal chooses crime; he chooses to reject society long before society rejects him. The criminal values people only to the extent that he can use them for his own self-serving ends; he does not justify his actions to himself. Only by "habilitating" the criminal, so that he sees himself realistically and develops responsible patterns of thought, can we change his behavior.
It is vital that we know who the criminal is and how and why he acts differently from responsible citizens. From that understanding can come reasonable, compassionate, and effective solutions.
- Print length288 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherCrown
- Publication dateMarch 30, 2004
- Dimensions6.34 x 1.09 x 9.59 inches
- ISBN-10140004619X
- ISBN-13978-1400046195
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From the Inside Flap
Dr. Samenow's three decades of working with criminals have reaffirmed his argument that factors such as poverty, divorce, and media violence do not cause criminality. Rather, as Samenow documents here, all criminals share a particular mind-set--often evident in childhood--that is disturbingly different from that of a responsible citizen.
While new types of crime have grown more prevalent, or at least more visible to the public eye--from spousal abuse to school shootings--little has changed in terms of our approach to dealing with crime. Rehabilitation programs based on the assumption that society is more to blame for crime than the criminal, an assumption for which a causal link has yet to be established, have proved to be grossly inadequate. Crime continues to invade every aspect of our lives, criminal court dockets and prisons are oppressively overcrowded and expensive, and recidivism rates continue to escalate.
To embark on a truly corrective program, we must begin with the clear understanding that the criminal chooses crime; he chooses to reject society long before society rejects him. The criminal values people only to the extent that he can use them for his own self-serving ends; he does not justify his actions to himself. Only by "habilitating" the criminal, so that he sees himself realistically and develops responsible patterns of thought, can we change his behavior.
It is vital that we know who the criminal is and how and why he acts differently from responsible citizens. From that understanding can come reasonable, compassionate, and effective solutions.
About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
IN NEARLY A HALF-CENTURY, little has changed in terms of deeply ingrained beliefs about the causes of crime. In the classic, still often performed, 1957 musical West Side Story, Stephen Sondheim parodied what then was the current thinking about juvenile delinquency in the song "Gee, Officer Krupke." Delinquents were punks because their fathers were drunks. They were misunderstood rather than no good. They were suffering from a "social disease," and society "had played [them] a terrible trick." They needed an analyst, not a judge, because it was "just [their] neurosis" acting up. In short, their criminal behavior was regarded as symptomatic of a deep-seated psychological or sociological problem. In this chapter I shall briefly discuss this proposition. In subsequent chapters I shall examine them in greater detail and show that the prevalent thinking about crime has been and still is loaded with fundamental misconceptions resulting in devastating consequences for society.
A man abducts, rapes, and murders a little girl. We, the public, may be so revolted by the gruesomeness of the crime that we conclude only a sick person could be capable of such an act. But our personal gut reaction shows no insight into, or understanding of, what really went on in this individual's mind as he planned and executed the crime. True, what the perpetrator inflicted upon this child is not "normal" behavior. But what does "sick" really mean? A detailed and lengthy examination of the mind of a criminal will reveal that, no matter how bizarre or repugnant the crime, he is rational, calculating, and deliberate in his actions--not mentally ill.
Criminals know right from wrong. In fact, some know the laws better than their lawyers do. But they believe that whatever they want to do at any given time is right for them. Their crimes require logic and self-control.
Some crimes happen so fast and with such frequency that they appear to be compulsive. A person may steal so often that others become convinced that he is the victim of an irresistible impulse and therefore a "kleptomaniac." But a thorough mental examination would show that he is simply a habitual thief, skilled at what he does. He can case out a situation with a glance, then quickly make off with whatever he wants. A habit is not a compulsion. On any occasion, the thief can refrain from stealing if he is in imminent danger of getting caught. And if he decides to give up stealing for a while and lie low, he will succeed in doing so.
The sudden and violent crime of passion has been considered a case of temporary insanity because the perpetrator acts totally out of character. But again, appearance belies reality.
A man murders his wife in the heat of an argument. He has not murdered anyone before, and statistical trends would project that he will not murder again. It is true that the date, time, and place of the homicide were not planned. But an examination of this man would show that on several occasions he had shoved her and often wished her dead. In addition, he is a person who frequently has fantasies of evening the score violently whenever he believes that anyone has crossed him. He did not act totally out of character when he murdered his wife. He was not seized by an alien, uncontrollable impulse. In his thinking, there was precedent for such a crime. An individual with even worse problems, but with a different personality makeup, would have resolved them differently. For example, one man whose family I evaluated during a child custody dispute discovered that his wife was spending hours on the Internet involved with a man whom she met and had sex with, then announced her plan to spend the rest of her life with him. Although her husband was emotionally devastated and irate, he neither threatened nor attacked her. He proceeded through the legal system toward divorce and obtaining custody of his daughter.
If criminals are not mentally ill, aren't they nevertheless victims of poverty, divorce, racism, and a society that denies them opportunities? Since the late nineteenth century, there has been a prevalent opinion that society is more to blame for crime than the criminal. But criminality is not limited to any particular societal group, as the 3.2 million arrests during 1999 demonstrate.
Sociologists assert that the inner-city youngster responds with rage to a society that has excluded him from the mainstream and put the American dream beyond his reach. Some even contend that crime is a normal and adaptive response to growing up in the soul-searing conditions of places like Watts and the South Bronx. They observe that correctional institutions contain a disproportionately large number of inmates who are poor and from minority groups. These inmates are seen as casualties of a society that has robbed them of hope and virtually forced them into crime just so they can survive.
Suburban delinquents are also regarded as victims--of intense pressures to compete, of materialism, of parents who neglect them or push them to grow up too fast, or are overly protective. These adolescents are perceived as rebelling not only against their parents but against middle-class values, seeking meaning instead through kicks and thrills.
If it isn't grinding poverty that causes crime, then its opposite--overindulgence--is cited as the cause. As developing nations become increasingly industrialized and their citizens become prosperous, crimes that were rare burst into headlines. In a Bangkok Post article about two tragic shooting sprees, the writer conjectured that "Western-style teenage crime" was emerging in Thailand because Thai children were so indulged that they would "snap" when confronted by life's hardships. Whether a child is deprived or pampered tells us nothing about how he will turn out. Most children who grow up in poverty and most indulged children become independent, resourceful, and responsible.
What of the observation that a disproportionate number of people incarcerated for crimes are both poor and from minority groups? Does this make a commentary on those groups? Or does it prove that the criminal justice system is racist? To whatever extent inequities exist, they need to be corrected. During the past thirty-three years I have focused on individuals, not groups. While interviewing and evaluating members of various ethnic and racial groups, I have found that in nearly every case members of the offender's own family have been law-abiding. The critical factor in becoming a criminal justice statistic is not race or ethnicity; it is the character of the individual and the choices he makes. It is unwarranted and racist to assume that because a person is poor and black (or brown, red, or yellow) he is inadequate to cope responsibly with his environment and therefore can hardly help but become a criminal.
Peer pressure is seen as a critical factor in the lives of youngsters from all social classes who turn to crime. Experts point out that some subcultures reward being daring and tough, and not living by a work ethic. Kids learn about crime from one another; they are schooled in the streets and go along with the crowd in order to acquire self-esteem and a sense of belonging. The belief that crime is contagious like a disease is more than a century old.
Every social institution has been blamed for contributing to crime. Schools have been singled out as forcing into crime youngsters who don't fit the academic mold. Churches have been accused of not providing leadership to wayward youth and to the community at large. Newspapers, television, and the movies have been charged with glamorizing crime. American business and advertising have been accused of contributing to distorted values and therefore to crime.
Economic hard times have been associated with an increase in crime. But then so have good times. Financial setbacks are said to push despondent people over the edge. But then, when times are booming, it has been thought that the gap between the "haves" and "have nots" widens and the latter, out of resentment, turn to crime. Economic pressures are also seen as contributing to crime by forcing mothers to go to work, further weakening the family. Their children have less supervision and guidance than before, and are even more vulnerable to peer pressure.
Economic adversity affects us all. We may be pushed to work longer hours or to take a second job. Women who prefer to be at home may have little choice but to go to work. Families may have to make do with less and watch goals slip further out of reach, and people on fixed incomes bear a special burden. The responsible person responds to economic pressures by sacrifice and hard work. Even for him, temptation may be stronger to step outside the law as the economic squeeze grows tighter. Ultimately, however, it comes down to how each person chooses to deal with the circumstances he faces.
Sociological explanations for crime, plausible as they may seem, are simplistic. If they were correct, we'd have far more criminals than we do. Criminals come from all kinds of families and neighborhoods. Most poor people are law-abiding, and most kids from divorced parents are not delinquents. Children may bear the scars of neglect and deprivation for life, but most do not become criminals. The environment does have some effect. For instance, it can provide greater or fewer opportunities for crime to occur--greater or lesser deterrence. But people perceive and react to similar conditions of life very differently. A family may reside in a neighborhood where gangs roam the streets and where drugs are as easy to come by as cigarettes. The father may have deserted and the mother may collect welfare. Yet not all the children in that family turn to crime. In suburbia, a family may be close emotionally and well off financially, but that is not enough to keep one of the youngsters from using drugs, stealing, and destroying property. In an area where firearms and drugs are readily available, most residents choose to use neither. The criminal seizes upon opportunities that others shun. More critical than the environment itself is how the individual chooses to respond to whatever the circumstances are.
We have seen other instances of when a major change in the environment suppresses crime or permits it to flourish even throughout an entire country. When totalitarian governments with their despots fall from power and are replaced by democratic regimes, the citizenry has more freedom. The responsible person has opportunity to develop his talents and pursue interests that he couldn't before. The person who is criminally inclined also has greater freedom and will pursue whatever interests him. This in part explains the surge in crime reported in countries that previously had oppressive governments.
Criminals claim that they were rejected by parents, neighbors, schools, and employers, but rarely does a criminal say why he was rejected. Even as a young child, he was sneaky and defiant, and the older he grew, the more he lied to his parents, stole and destroyed their property, and threatened them. He made life at home unbearable as he turned even innocuous requests into a battleground. He conned his parents to get whatever he wanted, or else he wore them down through endless argument. It was the criminal who rejected his parents rather than vice versa.
Not only did he reject his family, but he rejected the kids in the neighborhood who acted responsibly. He considered them uninteresting, their lives boring. He gravitated to more-adventurous youngsters, many of whom were older than he. Crime is not contagious like chicken pox. Even in crime-infested neighborhoods, there are youngsters who want no part of the action. Sure, there is the desire to belong to the crowd, but the question is which crowd. Criminals are not forced into crime by other people. They choose the companions they like and admire.
The school does not reject the antisocial youngster until he is impossible to deal with. Many criminals have no use for school whatsoever. Some remain in school, then use their education to gain entree into circles where they find new victims. More commonly, delinquent youngsters use the classroom as an arena for criminal activity by fighting, lying, stealing, and engaging in power plays against teachers and other pupils. Basically, for them, school is boring, its requirements stupid, the subjects meaningless. Just as the criminal rejects his parents, he does the same to his teachers. It is neither incompetent teachers nor an irrelevant curriculum that drives him out. In fact, the school may offer him an individually tailored program, but no matter what he is offered, it does not suit him. Finally, he is expelled for disruptive behavior or grows so bored that he quits.
The notion that people become criminals because they are shut out of the job market is an absurdity. In the first place, most unemployed people are not criminals. More to the point, perhaps, is that many criminals do not want to work. They may complain that without skills they can't find employment. (Of course, it was their choice not to remain in school to acquire those skills.) But, as many a probation officer will observe, usually jobs of some sort are available, but criminals find them too menial and beneath them.
Some criminals are highly educated and successful at their work. Their very success may serve as a cover for crime. If a person has a solid work record, he is generally regarded as responsible and stable. But even legitimately acquired money, recognition, and power are not sufficient incentives for a criminal to live within the law. The point is that what a person's environment offers or lacks is not decisive in his becoming a criminal.
The public often criticizes the media for making crime enticing by glorifying both specific crimes and criminals. There has long been intense concern about the high incidence of violence in television programs that reach children. In the aftermath of school shootings during the 1990s, television again came under scrutiny for its effect on children. One highly publicized study released in 2000 claimed to support the contention that television causes aggression.But millions of people who frequently watch violence on television dramas, films, documentaries, and newscasts do not enact what they see.
A person already thinking about committing crimes may pick up ideas from the media, or become more confident about the feasibility of a particular crime. Fascinated and excited by the prospect of imitating and getting away with what he has watched on television or in a movie, he perpetrates what has come to be called a "copycat crime." Critical, though, is not what plays on the screen but what lies in the mind of the viewer. Television, movies, video games, magazines, or books will not turn a responsible person into a criminal. To believe otherwise is again to subscribe to the erroneous premise that external events easily shape human character.
Product details
- Publisher : Crown; Revised, Updated, Subsequent edition (March 30, 2004)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 288 pages
- ISBN-10 : 140004619X
- ISBN-13 : 978-1400046195
- Item Weight : 1.05 pounds
- Dimensions : 6.34 x 1.09 x 9.59 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #542,499 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #739 in Medical Clinical Psychology
- #1,655 in Criminology (Books)
- #36,146 in Teen & Young Adult Books
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Customers find the book provides insightful and interesting information about criminal thinking. They find it easy to understand and a good resource to supplement a forensics course. The material is fresh and in excellent condition, providing great value for money. However, some customers feel the pacing is slow and dull. Opinions differ on the language and content, with some finding it easy to read and understand, while others feel it lacks nuance and complexity.
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Customers find the book provides insightful and interesting information about criminal thinking. They say it's an excellent resource to complement a forensics course. The book shows the thought process of the individual and how erroneous decisions are made. It provides chilling examples of criminal thought and action and ends with a case history of a career.
"REALISTIC INSIGHTS… This is one of the most insightful books that I’ve read for a long time...." Read more
"Very informative, sensible analysis from someone with an unparalleled clinical expertise as far as I can tell...." Read more
"...Nevertheless, this book is rich in examples of criminal personalities and is a must read for keeping your understanding grounded on facts." Read more
"The criminal mind is intriguing, and the growing world of criminology and forensic psychiatry show that more and more people are interested in these..." Read more
Customers find the book easy to understand and engaging. They say it provides insights into how criminals think and rationalize, making it a good read for parents who want to instill positive change in their children's lives. The book complements other texts that they assign to Forensic Psychology students and is suitable for novice readers.
"...It definitely holds your attention and makes you want to read it Conover to back! Highly recommend" Read more
"...Great read for anyone who works in a jail or prison." Read more
"This is a no nonsense book with plenty of insights into how criminals think and how they are different from others...." Read more
"...I found this book to be one of the most easily understood texts to read, allowing for most of the information to really click and be easily..." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's revision. They find it updated with new data, anecdotes, and references.
"...The newer editions simply adds more data, anecdotes, and updates references." Read more
"...It has been updated beautifully and gives insight into a complicated world." Read more
"...-The book lags, was tedious to read, and used outdated scenarios and source names clearly not updated since its original publishing...." Read more
"Wonderful updated version! Thank you for keeping my brain sharp and my employment easy!" Read more
Customers appreciate the book's material quality. They find it in good condition and appreciate the fresh information and presentation even though it's an old book.
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"...She absolutely loves it. The book came in great condition and she said it was very interesting" Read more
"...This is an old book, but the material is just as fresh and valuable as it was when it first came out." Read more
"...i bought it used in excellent condition, the savings made it even more special." Read more
Customers appreciate the book's value for money. They say it's in good condition and reasonably priced.
"Excellent book. Great price. Accomplish my goal when writing my paper." Read more
"...Cuts through all the social, economic, environmental excuses and dogma." Read more
"Came very quickly. Was in great shape and very reasonably priced. The book is fascinating." Read more
"Save your money and your time..." Read more
Customers have mixed opinions about the language. Some find it easy to understand and well-presented, while others feel it lacks nuance and technical language. They mention too many drawn-out stories, examples that explain the same thing over and over, and cliche points. The book is also graphic and not a fan of legalizing marijuana.
"...This approach is refreshing, yet depressing for its complexity...." Read more
"...This book is absolutely stunning." Read more
"...Every chapter had the same tired, cliche points...." Read more
"Lacking in nuance. The author believes there is just one criminal psychology, regardless of the crime...." Read more
Customers have mixed opinions about the book. Some find it an excellent overview and a great supplementary text that develops different views and interesting discussions. Others feel it lacks comprehensiveness, case studies, and the subtlety criminologists need to carry out their work. The clinical thinking and assessments are incomplete, according to some readers.
"...This book is a much more accessible summary for the rest of us...." Read more
"...fellowship in child & adolescent psychiatry, his clinical thinking and assessments are incomplete, therefore his clinical assessments are incomplete..." Read more
"This is an overview and shortened version of all of his research from Volume 1-3 of The Criminal Personality. Much easier to read and understand...." Read more
"...profile emerging criminal behavior, yet is both biased and lacking in comprehensiveness." Read more
Customers find the pacing of the book slow and tedious to read. They say it's boring and can get dull quickly.
"...-The book lags, was tedious to read, and used outdated scenarios and source names clearly not updated since its original publishing...." Read more
"Great information, Great material, Great presentation, but it can get dull quickly...." Read more
"It is boring and slow to get interest developed. People tend to make quick judgement as to what author is saying...." Read more
"Boring, but okay..." Read more
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- Reviewed in the United States on April 30, 2020REALISTIC INSIGHTS…
This is one of the most insightful books that I’ve read for a long time. It presents extensive evidence-by-experience that…
—> … criminal behavior results from ‘stinking thinking.’
—> … some criminals can change and have positively changed ‘stinking thinking' by slow and arduous — but rewarding — efforts, when assisted patiently by individuals trained and qualified to help.
Having had years of extensive discussions with criminals of all sorts, this author is qualified to quite-logically link a panoply of criminal behaviors with criminals’ revealed problematic thinking behind them — most of which is extremely self-centered . Again, the author cites examples of success in modifying this ‘stinking thinking’ in criminals willing to change, resulting in LASTING change.
The author provides many examples of why so many untested (or unsuccessfully tested) and clearly-deterministic-minded theories common in criminology wrongly focus on and blame factors *exterior* to criminals — while neglecting the root causes embedded in the *mindsets* of these individuals.
—> Do exterior factors influence criminal thinking? Doubtless they do to some extent. We are ALL — law-abiding and criminal — influenced by genetics and by attitudes, teachings, and difficulties around us. Perhaps many who’ve chosen the criminal life have been especially so influenced.
—> However, the author provides many examples of ineffectiveness and harm stemming from misdirected-blame theories and hypotheses. He cites cases in which two individuals in the same environment differently choose their thinking and resultant behaviors. The author also discusses examples of people from excellent environments who developed criminal mindsets early in life — despite loving parents and affluence.
Teaching criminals all sorts of skills to legitimately succeed in life, WITHOUT changing the person inside, is often unsuccessful in in ending criminal behavior.
Might the criminal mind have in some ways ceded to evil influences — even beyond-the-brain* evil influences? Per the book, one criminal “…acted as though his emotions arose from outside himself and he had nothing to do with them.” Moreover, I’ve seen in myself — a morally-concerned, law-abiding citizen with a keen interest in ‘The Problem of Evil’ — some occasional negative thinking patterns analogous to what the author discusses. Other honest people will undoubtedly admit to such thoughts as well. What makes the difference then between…
—>…my handling — and other responsible peoples’ handling — of such thoughts?
—> …a criminal’s handling of such thoughts?
Can it be that…
—> ….the criminal mind has substantially yielded to beyond-the-brain* evil influences to think — and ultimately act — in evil ways?
—> …the majority of minds — especially minds that have been instructed in positive moral principles — are less likely to yield to such influences?
*I refuse to limit my perspectives to reductionist, scienTISMic assumptions that our minds are exclusively physical. Why? Because of my knowledge of clearly-external-to-brain events, including a plethora of amazingly-on-target premonitions [which, as an analytical person (a scientist), I don’t accept carelessly].
- Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2024This was an excellent book! It definitely holds your attention and makes you want to read it Conover to back! Highly recommend
- Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2024Very informative, sensible analysis from someone with an unparalleled clinical expertise as far as I can tell. Fascinating, but not overly optimistic. A great companion to Rafael Mangual's Criminal Injustice.
- Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2009Readers interested in criminology will find this a very difficult read because it strips away ALL the comforting palliatives society has thrown at the penal system, and reveals, for the first time, the harsh realities of why criminals do it.
They do it, Samenow says, because criminals have grown up thinking differently than you and me. Criminals live in the instant now; they have almost no sense of saving for a rainy day; they lie and steal as much to prove they are smarter than everyone else as to enrich themselves. Everyone is judged by how they may be used to further the criminal's selfish wants. The human wreckage thqat they leave behind is of no concern to them, but they are skilled at feigning sorrow if they see that as shortening their incarceration.
Rehabilitation as currently practiced--say by teaching criminals new skills--only produces criminals with new skills. It does absolutely nothing to change the underlying pathology. What is necessary is a strict form of psychotherapy in which the felons feet are held to the fire. They must be forced to recognize the crippling psychological shortcomings of everything they do. Daily meetings are held in which every act is recorded and analyzed, and no excuse whatever is tolerated. Criminals are masters at blaming everything and everybody for their predicament--except themselves. When all their excused are stripped away, and held up to them as obvious misdirection, then, slowly, can many prisoners begin to see how they must act if they wish to become clean.
This approach is refreshing, yet depressing for its complexity. But Samenow has made it work in over 30 years of practice with any enviable record of genuine, permanent rehabilitation. Bleeding hearts will hate the emotionless protocol, and reject that any approach other than the completely ineffective emotional empathy. Critics believe, the "Christian" approach of blaming harsh society, rotten environment, abusive parents, uncaring teachers is the answer, and if we could only solve all of these problems, crime would disappear. Odd then how many people suffering under they very same disadvantages still manage to stay out of prison.
The only pulled punch is Samenow's refusal to discuss how people become criminals when typical criminal traits are visible in children as young 4 years old. Are they born evil? One senses that Samenow knows the answer but refuses to say.
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- Kevin GrantReviewed in Canada on February 5, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars Great read
I bought the used book to save a few bucks. Pretty much brand new. I sat down to read it shortly after receiving it. I couldn't put it down. Finished it the next day. I'm starting to reread it now at a slower pace, just in case I missed something. Definitely a five star. A must have for somebody in criminology classes or just a sit down and read. Again, a must have in your library.
- Ava crouchReviewed in the United Kingdom on January 14, 2025
5.0 out of 5 stars Haven't read yet
Looks great!
Ava crouchHaven't read yet
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 14, 2025
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- ShraddhaReviewed in India on November 6, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars Nice book
Nice book for reading
ninìReviewed in Italy on October 14, 2019
5.0 out of 5 stars comprato solo una volta
l'ho acquistato per fare un regalo, è arrivato in ottime condizioni
Fabiola MoranReviewed in Brazil on July 18, 2017
5.0 out of 5 stars Essencial
Leitura essencial para quem pretende desmistificar as origens da criminalidade. O autor exibe sua experiência no estudo médico de criminosos, rompendo as amarras das origens preponderantemente sociais do crime. Recomendo aos operadores do direito penal como um todo.