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224 pages, Hardcover
First published October 12, 2021
My only wise words of advice ... A radical's a radical. Doesn't matter whether he's an ex-Communist or an ex anything else. He's the same chap. You don't change your reasoning just because your conclusion's changed. Human nature.
No more air-conditioned treadmills, sunlamps and saunas for him, thank you; no more alcoholic revels to celebrate another dicey, socially useless financial coup, and the one-night stands that inevitably follow. London man is dead.
[Julian] was learning to see the entire Avon clan and its offshoots as being united, not in the secrets they shared, but in the secrets they kept from one another.
The truth is, old boy ... we didn't do much to alter the course of human history, did we? As one old spy to another, I reckon I'd have been more use running a boys' club.
The vestry door stood open. Rush crosses on the wall. The incense of his childhood but no Vicar and no Lily. He kept going and found her standing in a patch of deep grass, between two vast buttresses, a Victorian waif in a black cloche hat and a long skirt. At her feet, a small mountain of red wreaths and flowers.To me, this is as close to a photograph or even film clip inserted into text as I'm every likely to find. In England, far to the north of where most people in the US live, the sun rides lower on the horizon, and I can see the slanting light, smell the wet grass, and almost feel the rough gray stone on the wall behind her.
'And, just to be on the safe side,' said Proctor (the active spy), resorting to a more formal tone, 'although the subject of the case history we'd like you to tell us about is alive and kicking, we do not propose to alert him in any way to our interest. Put officially, all contact with him is strictly embargoed until you're advised otherwise. Is that fully understood?
To which Joan let out a long-drawn-out sigh, and said, "Oh dear. Poor Spencer. What have you gone and done now?"