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The Science of Mind

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Ernest Holmes (1887-1960) founded Religous Science, part of the New Thought movement. Schooled in Christian Science, he moved to Los Angeles in 1912. Holmes published his first book, Creative Mind in 1919, and followed it up with The Science of Mind in 1926. Holmes had an immense influence on New Age beliefs, particularly his core philosophy that we create our own reality.

This is the text of the first edition of The Science of Mind. A revised edition of this book was published in 1938.

364 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1938

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About the author

Ernest Shurtleff Holmes

257 books196 followers
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes was an American New Thought writer, teacher, and leader. He was the founder of a Spiritual movement known as Religious Science, part of the greater New Thought movement, whose spiritual philosophy is known as "The Science of Mind." He was the author of The Science of Mind and numerous other metaphysical books, and the founder of Science of Mind magazine, in continuous publication since 1927. His books remain in print, and the principles he taught as "Science of Mind" have inspired and influenced many generations of metaphysical students and teachers. Holmes had previously studied another New Thought teaching, Divine Science, and was an ordained Divine Science Minister. His influence beyond New Thought can be seen in the self-help movement.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews
Profile Image for Gary  Beauregard Bottomley.
1,121 reviews733 followers
November 28, 2016
There is a well thought out philosophical foundation that the author lays out in this book. The author is going to argue for "The One" of Parmenides (I don't think he cites Parmenides by name but speaks in his terms). Most modern Christian thought puts God outside of the universe (an atemporal, transcendental being of some kind), and makes Man (all people, but I'll use "Man" because that's the way they talked in 1926) completely separate from his creator.

The One is infinite and everything that exists is made of this mind substance and is just a rearrangement of this substance according to Holmes. The Rev. George Berkeley developed a coherent (and probably never properly refuted belief system) that everything that exist is in the mind of God. (If a tree fell in the forest and no one was there to hear it would it make a sound. Yes, of course, it would according to Berkeley, God would hear it). Holmes is taking Berkeley but putting a reverse twist on it, we are the mind of God and God is our mind. He'd would probably agree with the statement that "the Man who thinks is God". That's sort of an Aristotelian sentiment too. Because, in the Aristotelian worldview there is no creation ex nihilo, there is only creation from something, an arrangement of stuff. Since Holmes is starting with the infinite substance being from God he reaches a similar conclusion to the Pagan thought of Aristotle.

Holmes very subtlety reworks Christianity with some of the old Pagan beliefs put back in. Holmes, no longer makes Man an infinite distance from God and our Gratitude can be actualized (under traditional Christianity we can never pay God back fully for the Cross and can only try to be perfect in this life time, but Holmes allows us to be perfect). For Holmes, God is approachable, and might be outside of time, but still part of our universe. Karl Popper realized that Parmenides agrees with Einstein's "block universe" from Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. Time is taken out of the universe when it is looked at from the whole cosmos. Holmes is no dummy. He knows what he his doing and how he connects man to God through the medium of the ether (or in today's terminology I would say the "Higgs Field", which permeates the whole universe and gives all particles which have mass their mass).

Holmes does give a very non-standard interpretation on Christianity. Not that there is anything wrong with that (who wants to study the same old boring stuff?). His thinking does seem to overlap a lot with Quaker thought (probably by far my most favorite of all religions). He also has a whole lot of Mary Baker Eddy in his system, but with what I would call a 'lite' version. Because, he'll say go ahead and think the illness away but go to a doctor if need be.

He thinks there is a medium (an ether) where our thoughts can travel freely about. Our thoughts can effect (and affect) the world. He really likes Jesus, but puts a different spin on Jesus' words than traditional Christianity. Such as when Jesus said "I and the father are one" really means that all of us have the spark of God within us and God has it in us and we are all like the speck in the center of a page completely surrounded by the infinite mind (everything is mind). Duality (mind body dichotomy) leads to errors in thought. The author understands that and discusses some of those problems when he talks about absolutism and relativism. He knows that cause and effect get jumbled together and he replaces that way of thinking with Karma.

The author thinks mystics have always been real (great sages of ages past from all cultures who understand the wisdom acquired from the instinctual use of the mind), and the author thinks psychics of all kinds are real and can tap into the subjective consciousness, the part of the mind that contains the soul and contains our memories and can be accessed by using deduction, the necessary Laws that flow from the universe's (God's) existence. Spirit is that which becomes self aware and is not soul, the soil that allows the Spirit to be actualized.

There's definitely a large self-help component to this book. People who have been through bad experiences and need a helping hand will definitely be able to embrace this book with its positive mental attitude approach (but they first would have to wade through some of the compact language and pseudoscience contained in the book). I suspect that's why people give this book such high ratings. I liked his attitude on good habits and why they matter so keenly in making us who we become, "first the man takes a drink, then the drink takes the drink, and then the drink takes the man". The prayers (or meditations) in the end of the book probably would work for people who are at their wits end and feel they can't take it anymore. To get to the meat of the book, one does have to wade through a lot of psychobabble ('constipation is about recognizing ones freedom", I would say that it's about fiber, but immediately following that he says something intelligent about people with low self worth and how to realize that it is not real. So one has got to take the good with the bad with this book).

This book provides a different spin on Christianity. In my opinion, a more refreshing look, and he is not bad with his philosophy, but there is a lot of babble from the time period he writes which he accepts. I would be fairly certain there are people this book could help, but it is not a science book whatsoever and does have a whole lot of psychobabble with it.
Profile Image for Angelica Taggart.
Author 2 books17 followers
November 14, 2015
I've read this book every year since 1981 ... everytime I find something new!
Powerful Stuff!
Profile Image for Alia.
2 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2012
Bless the heart of this author! This book to me was and still is a guide that is helping me in my life. When I got hold of this book, I was going through a tough time in my life trying to find happiness with myself while at the same time trying to to prove myself to those i loved most. This book taught me how to deal with the most difficult situation with Spiritual help. One cannot read this book if you do not believe in God or are not Spiritual in any kind of way. I consider myself lucky to have a copy of this book. i would recommend to all who find it hard to see their Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Perfection.
Profile Image for Jim Razinha.
1,422 reviews84 followers
November 28, 2023
The Science of Mind

Don't be fooled by the title - I was, but only until the third paragraph. I don't remember how it got on my list, but once started, I felt I had to train wreck through it. I've read a number of real mind science books in the last couple of years and this this is a simply a largely Christian religious text with a few scientific mentions in it. There is a bit of pseudoscience, but Holmes clearly doesn't think so.

It's unfair to ding Holmes for a 1920s perspective, and it's unfair to pick on the non-science as this is clearly religious. Any reader without a critical eye can be taken in by the wrong definitions/examples. His examples of something as simple as inductive and deductive reasoning are wrong, but sound convincing.

I made a lot of notes, but after a while it became comical, so I decided to give up. Some of the gems:

Take electricity as an example; we know that there is such a thing as electricity; we have never seen it, but we know that it exists because we can use it;... That logic evades me - we can make predictions about electricity, and test those predictions...but the simpler answer wasting scientists's time is because "we can use it".

It is known that certain people can read our thoughts, even when we are not aware of the fact... Um, wow.

The conscious mind controls the subconscious; and in its turn, the subconscious controls the body. No. Really no.

...as we have found that man is threefold in his nature, so we must also deduce that God is threefold in His Nature... "must"? Dude, there is no "must"...save in your manufactured very odd world. Non sequitur.

Psycho-analysis is a system of analyzing the soul, or the subjective mentality. It is a mental process of diagnosis which seems to be technically perfect when used by those who understand it. Right. Because psycho-analysis is an absolute science.

Strange as it may seem, we do not have the same physical bodies that we had a few months ago; they have completely changed; new particles have taken the place of the old; and the only reason why they have taken the same form is, that Instinctive Man has provided the same mold. Huh. No comment necessary.

So, I was a bit surprised to learn that the mythical (Biblical?) flood was caused by psychic confusion. Never heard/read that ever. I was also unaware that "very few diseases are inherited". I'll chalk that up to a 1926 understanding of genetics.

I think I should qualify this review...I looked up comments on other editions and learned that this may have been an abridged version. I can't imagine plowing through anything longer. This is a tortuous read. Holmes is all over the map here and doubles back on himself throughout. He obviously believed he was coherent. He wasn't.

I didn't like this, but not enough to rate it one-star.
Profile Image for Daniel Barenboim.
257 reviews7 followers
March 29, 2016
The book started off well enough, taking me on a journey through Christian beliefs in the spirit, soul, and body as they are related to the Holy Trinity (Father, Holy spirit, Son). Then it made some great assertions that we choose our outlook on life and that we are in total control of any outcome that may befall us. For these great concepts, I'd give the book 5 stars.
The reason it earns two stars is because of the constant repetition of the same thing and the pointless religious babble. Babble might be a harsh word but it does it justice when the other repeatedly says things like "God is all and all is God". These type of sayings could have filled up 25 pages of this book.
The real issue started when he began delving into levitation, psychics, fortune tellers, apparitions, etc.. At that point this book turned into an Encyclopedia of Witchcraft. Author claims he has personal had conversations with mysterious voices that "did not know where they came from" and that he has personally seen a pencil writing while floating in midair "with no one holding it". Then with his other mystical claims, he admits that there is no research on it but he assumes that one day we will find proof for how these things happen.

There is no science in this book whatsoever. Science includes experiments, trials, data, anything! The whole book is conceived of his own personal beliefs and him validating that it is "Fact".
Author 19 books6 followers
August 16, 2012
Inasmuch as many of the the author's examples contradict his own teachings, the book still deserves 5 stars for its general overall excellence. The Science of Mind is a book that anybody who is serious about understanding universal/quantum concepts should absolutely read, and study, time and again, because it talks about the many aspects of science/religion/spirituality which are left out of most books published today, and in recent times, about these concepts. It goes well beyond the ideal of mere wealth attainment, generously spilling over into concepts such as God and divine purpose. If you've been left empty-handed by more recent "Law of Attraction" books, this book will explain why!
Profile Image for David Teachout.
Author 2 books22 followers
June 3, 2012

At times sophomoric, at others deeply profound Holmes is here giving the total visionary outline of the religion or spiritual discipline he created. It does not have to be read in order and in fact likely shouldn't, instead perused as a spiritual guide to further understanding the principles of Religious Science. Contemplation is key here as is an appreciation for how standard religious words are used differently. Once clear a whole new world opens up.
898 reviews24 followers
December 10, 2009
powerful stuff.... whether you believe in 'god' or not, this stuff is good and it works if you allow yourself to try the principles expounded upon and then just observe what occurs... That is the whole truth of the matter.... no matter what anyone might call it... religion, god, whatever, with a Positive Mental Attitude and Focus we can each change our lives. Period.
1 review
January 17, 2013
Amazing book!!! I recommend to anyone who is a seeker of the meaning of life. The first lesson is a bit confusing but don't quit!! The further along you get it all starts to come together! Truly a life changing book!
Profile Image for Carolyn Bragg.
379 reviews7 followers
September 12, 2022
The Science of Mind begins with man's 1) self awareness (man = man and woman), ability to think and act, and make choices, 2) to the "inevitable" evolution of man's understanding that there is a single deity.

All other subjects are tied to these two basics and about power available to men provided by a single deity, God, and how everything is interconnected--to help man discover and prove his own (eventual) perfection like God. Because man was an idea of God, and every idea of God is perfect, so man will someday become perfect.

This is a rough outline of the beginning, as an example of the logic and direction the book takes.

1. Man is an individual and must discover his 'divine worth' on his own.
2. Man thinks.
3. The brain does not think, else the brain removed, would still think, but it doesn't. And yet, man thinks. The legs, removed, don't walk, the hands cut off, don't work. So there is something in man that is more than the brain and the parts. Behind the brain, there must be a thinker.

The text moves on to the dominance of the conscious mind over the subconscious mind. The author argues that picturing the body as perfect, makes it well. But I believe that ignoring a compound fracture or burst appendix just leads to a great deal of pain, greater illness, and ultimately death. Which will then give the person a chance to answer for cutting their life short out of stupidity.

I acknowledge that we have the ability to make ourselves ill by concentrating on negativity and being convinced that we are sick. But assuming individuals or groups are doing so, is a judgement we have no right to make without having all the facts. It can do irreparable harm.

The next topic says that science and philosophy are two halves of a whole; one observes the results of nature, the other contemplates the cause.

"What this life is, science does not attempt to explain."

"True philosophy and true science will some day meet on a common basis."

The best thing about this book is that every sub-topic has a title, and is only a couple of pages long--at most. Making them easy to read one or more at a time, then think about.

The author is very well educated, well read, and forward thinking given that it's from 1926. I recommend this book to anyone with interests in the "logic of science" vs everything else, and man's place in the world. This is a fascinating and easily accessible collection. (See Caution below.)

Healing and the mind: What works for small things does not mean it works for serious things, or that the patient has failed self-control if unsuccessful. Mr. Holmes teaches with force and certainty, but evidence shows that absolute faith of (even) many cannot always save or heal. He forgets the Will of God. If God does not will for a child or other individual to be saved or healed, it is not possible. There are some things we cannot learn--or people we cannot help--unless circumstances are right. God's plans are perfect.

4/5 *Caution: Faulty logic regarding the Will of God; accidents, healing, some opportunities, etc. Documented evidence also shows that faith-healing can be a disastrous practice when taken to the extreme.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Essentials, and NetGalley for the temporary preview; any review is voluntary and entirely my own opinion.

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#ErnestHolmes #ErnestHolmesAuth
Profile Image for JP.
452 reviews11 followers
November 7, 2018
What can you write when the book is close to divine
I crawled every page Coz of immense experience. Some people relate this book more religious but am aware about myself with the world is not
Though most of the time the explanation repeated but cannot be avoided when that is the truth of your mind connecting to universal mind.
Written for people who in therapy and how to go about the profession on curing sick people and also helping the sick to understand why they are sick and how they can come out of sickness
If you say everyone should read this book then it has to be made as text in schools.
I admired myself when reading such a divine book
This one book can give the meaning of your life
Profile Image for Ray Justice.
8 reviews1 follower
October 28, 2011
Just loaded with thoughts and realities for understanding how we function as thinking human beings. I have had a copy of this book for many, many years.
Profile Image for Kevin.
265 reviews
August 4, 2022
A rare "did not finish" book. The standard New Thought stuff, but painfully overwritten and repetitive.
4 reviews
July 3, 2023
Not what I expected. I found the format of the book hard to follow.
3 reviews1 follower
July 7, 2009
I found this to be the most clear and reasoned presentation of the basic New Thought world-view I have yet read. Whether all the cosmology proves to be exactly the way things are constructed it's a good working model for "how things work". The world-view is simple, to the point and not cluttered with lots of extraneous speculation about how many angles are involved with rhythmic movement on small objects (or other complex descriptions of what is difficulty to know from our material perspective). This work is a good "owner's manual" to this "spiritual being having a material experience" world we live in. Highly recommended.
There are a few Biblical references, although, as with most New Thought works, they are interpreted metaphorically: as teaching tales someone spiritually wise might tell for what they show about the personal spiritual journey. In this view, the "Christ" is within each of us, and the person the Gospels was written about was just really good at allowing that inner light to express in his life. By this teaching, we can all learn to do what he did--in fact, that is what he wanted us to learn to do (not shame and criticize each other)! New Thought only acknowledges or focuses on the positive: only sees or speaks about goodness (at least that's the goal!). Holms does an excellent job of explaining how that can be accomplished in ones life.
Profile Image for JB Hollows.
Author 3 books3 followers
August 26, 2018
Considering when it was written I think the book is way ahead of its time. He losses his way and gets quite hung up on affirmations near the end but the essence of what he is pointing to is true.

I had to ignore the emphasis on ‘God’ and replace the word with energy. I had powerful insights about the nature of the human experience and so the read was worth it for that.

In my opinion no need to ‘study’ this book. Rather read and see what you hear for yourself. Ignore the rest.
Profile Image for Aikya Param.
16 reviews5 followers
May 4, 2018
This classic is always being read, always being checked for references and clarity. I have a leather-bound copy at home. Previously, I had a paperbound copy that was used in classes at church. The teaching that Ernest Holmes shared changed my life for the better as it has the lives of many others.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
87 reviews
August 25, 2016
I loved this book. It's easy to read, inspiring, and spiritually confirming. I found an old version at a thrift store at a very lonely time in my life, when I first moved to CA and missed family and friends. Another one of those creative visualization / law of attraction books.
Profile Image for Zvia.
1 review
April 9, 2012
A seminal book on metaphysical thought. Holmes' writing however is not always as accessible as one would like. I have the 50th anniversary edition and have no idea who designed this very ugly cover in my book!
2 reviews1 follower
August 4, 2009
Excellent to read, as long as you pay attention and don't read it when tired. Unless you can follow a hardcore steady train of thought for long periods of time when sleepy.
Profile Image for Jay.
35 reviews1 follower
September 5, 2009
What can you say about the book that explains... pretty much everything. This is the instruction manual for life.
158 reviews26 followers
November 30, 2019
Really good in places. Kinda weird in others... hence the 3 stars.
527 reviews5 followers
October 10, 2022
Mixed bag - some parts resonated while I struggled to read other chapters.
#NetGalley #St Martin's Essentials
Profile Image for Glenn Younger.
Author 4 books5 followers
June 22, 2017
I first read this book over 30 years ago. It was heady stuff back then. Interesting to see how thirty years of experience living a spiritually based life takes what was once heady and turn it into simple.

I got this book to help a friend who is studying to become a Science of Mind reverend. Because Ernest Holmes was an intellectual, his approach to spirituality is very left brain oriented. My friend is more of an intuitive and that's why she was having such trouble understanding what he was trying to say.

Since she'd read my book, "How to Make the Most of Your Earth Experience: 14 Principles of Unconditional Love" (for sending your Inner Critic on permanent vacation) and found it mega-easy to understand, I was able to translate Ernest Holmes' words into ones she could intuit easily.

My recommendation? Buy this if you like a super intellectual approach to spirituality. His words will open up your mind to new dimensions of living. If you prefer a more right brained approach, there are better books out there to help you get in touch with your Inner Knowing.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews

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